Chapter 13

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The weeks went by, and Malfoy and I started meeting every night at the astronomy tower, going on with our game. He still tutored me every Saturday, but half the time we were snogging.

But this morning, I woke up with a weird gut feeling, as if something was about to happen.
I showered and went with Pansy to the Great Hall to fetch some breakfast, as we sat down Professor McGonnagol approached me "Miss Y/n, we need to talk" she said in a very serious tone "Of Course Professor" I said, my stomach twisted, what if I was about to get expelled, what if they have found out I have been sneaking around with Makfoy.

As I walked out of the Great Hall with her, Malfoy was about to enter, he glanced at me with a worried and confused look, I shook my head as I kept walking behind Professor McGonnagol.

"I am so sorry Miss Y/n," she said, her face saddened and soft, I was confused "Dumbledore is waiting for you, just go up," she said as she left.

What the actual hell was happening, was I actually about to get expelled?

I walked up to Dumbledore's office and knocked, the door opened by itself "Come in come in" he said as I walked in and sat down in front of him.

"I am sorry to inform you this, your mother has written me a letter about your Nan's passing" As he said that I could feel my heart stop, and everything froze. Did Dumbledore just say that my Nan was dead, no way, no bloody way? "Miss y/n, I know you loved her and that you two were very close, but your mother has insisted that you go home next week to attend her funeral," he said.

I looked down at my hands, looking at the ring my Nan had given me, my heart shattered even more.

Funeral, my Nans, nothing made sense, I could feel tears build up in my eyes, I did my best to hold them back, but a few of them escaped as I quickly dried them away.

Keep your head and chin high, I repeated in my head, my Nan always used to say that. "Can I leave now Sir?" I asked, the information was too much, and I couldn't hold back my tears for much longer, he nodded and I left. Running down the stairs, tears immediately started streaming down my face, I ran out the door, running to the nearest empty room.

It was a bathroom, I fell to the ground sobbing, I couldn't breathe, nothing, only cry. "Y/n" a voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere, as I turned my head around I saw Hermione "Oh y/n" she ran towards me and pulled me into a hug, I pushed her away "No leave me alone" I yelled as I ran out of the bathroom. I just needed to be alone.

The astronomy tower, there were no lessons, I paced that way and ended up by the edge where I had been sitting every night with Malfoy the last couple of weeks. I fidgeted with my ring, crying, my heart was broken.

I sobbed uncontrollably, and the door opened "GET OUT" I yelled without even looking "JUST GET THE HELL OUT" I wept as my face was lying in between my legs.

"Y/n, what happened?" A friendly voice said, I ignored it, I couldn't recognize the voice because of my sobs.

The person grabbed me and pulled my head up to look at him, it was Malfoy, his face full of worry "Leave me alone" I spat as I turned away. He sat down next to me, pulling me into his arms.

I never liked to cry in front of anyone, I always wanted to be alone, Sophia was the only person I had ever let come near me whilst I was crying, but in Malfoy's arms I felt safe, it was comforting.

He didn't say a word, he rubbed back gently and my face was buried into his chest just crying.

How in hell could Malfoy comfort me, out of everyone?

I calmed down after what felt like hours, and he pulled my head up, drying the remaining tears "You want to tell me what happened?" He asked as his beautiful blue eyes looked at me with worry, I nodded slightly and took a deep breath "My Nan is dead" As I said that I could feel the tears filling up my eyes again.

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