Chapter 22

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I was up all night thinking about Malfoy, and what had just happened. I hated myself for it, how could he affect me this much? I couldn't possibly like him, that is impossible, I won't allow myself to like him, I can't, not him. I should avoid him, he messes with my head, with me, but that is impossible too, I am supposed to be tutored by him later today, and the thought of us made me blush a bit, following with some thoughts I would never tell anyone.

I woke up a few hours later, I didn't even know I had fallen asleep, by Pansy hovering over me staring at my neck, with a disappointed look on her face as she mumbled some words, fucking hell. 

"Pansy get off" I yelled as I tried pushing her away and going back to sleep, god I was tired. 
"Where were you and who gave you that?" She hissed at me as she still sat on me. "None of your business, just get the fuck off" We wrestled for a while "Don't tell me it was Malfoy again" she scoffed, her voice sounding purely judgemental, she should not be the one talking.

She pulled away knowing the answer from the silence "Stupid" rolled off her tongue as she stared at me "Just leave it alone Pansy, I know that already" I yelled getting out of bed "Very stupid, but if her hurts you again, I will kill him" I gave her a slight smile "Won't be necessary, we are not together, or ever getting together" I said as I made my way to take a shower.

I had a quick shower, and put on some body lotion, perfume, curled my lashes and applied mascara, filled my brows in and tried to cover up the love bites on my neck. 

Today was going to be a very long day.

We made our way to the Great Hall for some breakfast, I of course only ate some fruit and a latte, I was exhausted already, but the coffee energized me almost immediately. Pansy and Blaise sat next to me on either side and opposite of us Theo, Matheo, Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy. My eyes were glued to my plate the whole time, I really didn't want to meet Malfoy's eyes, not yet.

I walked with Blaise behind the others as we talked about the Yule ball and Hermione, he hadn't asked her yet, but he would today, I was pretty excited about it since Blaise was a real gentleman and the biggest sweetie. He was nervous about asking her too, it was adorable.

The first class was DADA with Moody, couldn't start the day out worse.

"Alright, now I'll partner you up and you will keep your mouth shut if you don't want to end up like Ferret Malfoy did," Professor Moody said as every head turned to look at Malfoy, but I didn't, I just look at Professor Moody, with a little glare, but he didn't mind, he never did.

I was the last one to be partnered up, and it was with Hermione luckily, but to my surprise, Malfoy was partnered up with Matheo, and that was probably the worst pairing out of everyone else. 

"Now you'll be writing an assignment on unforgivable curses, you have until next class" he said as we all went with our partners and started. 

Hermione and I were pretty fast, we had finished it before class even ended and handed it in, the power of Granger. The class was dismissed quickly after and Hermione and I walked together followed by Pansy. 

Two boys came running after us from behind yelling our names, Blaise and Matheo, and Hermione and I were pulled to the side by them, I knew why Blaise pulled Hermione aside, but I really hoped that Matheo wasn't about to ask me to be his Yule Ball.

"So Princess, you know the Yule Ball right" he seemed a little nervous, and why in Merlins' name would he ask me that, of course, I did, but I just smiled and nodded, "Well, I was thinking about attending as the prince, the princesses date if she agrees," he said with his puppy dog eyes and a smirk, wow he was fine. "I would've loved that if you had asked before, but I already have a date, I'm sorry Matheo" and it was the truth, I would've said yes if he had asked before Diggory, but he hadn't. He laughed it off "Lucky man that one, but promise me a dance?" his eyes piercing into mine, he was too handsome, really "Of course, if you behave" I winked at him.

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