Return of the ice emperor

Start from the beginning

Christina: (To Lloyd) We have to find the others to find out what's happening with you.

Garmadon: Don't be a fool! Searching for your friends will only get you all caught. We have to flee!

Lloyd: That's the problem with you! You only think about yourself!

Garmadon: And you don't think at all!

(A police car stops before them.)

Lloyd: Thanks for stopping, sir. We sure could use — Hounddog McBrag?!

Morro: Ugh, not him again.

Hounddog: Lloyd Garmadon. You are under arrest.

Christina: You can't be serious right now!

Hounddog: Oh, I'm serious as a rattlesnake with a headache. You gonna come quietly or not?

Garmadon: He never does anything quietly. Everything's an argument.

Lloyd: Don't you see what's happening? We're under attack by the Overlord! People are being infected by evil crystals! (Lightning strikes in the sky.)

Hounddog: Doesn't change my orders.

Lloyd: With all due respect, your orders might not have changed, but circumstances have! We should be working together, not —

Hounddog: I can take you in the easy way ... (He points his megaphone at Lloyd, Christina and Morro.) Or the hard way.

Garmadon: Allow me to answer this. (He powers up.)

Lloyd: No! (He, Morro and Christina all pushes Garmadon to the ground just as he fires a blast.)

Hounddog: Halt in the name of the law! (He looks down to see the manhole cover spinning and climbs down to the sewers. In the sewers, Hounddog searches for Lloyd, Morro and Christina.)

Hounddog: You're under arrest, Lloy— (Lloyd and Morro saves him from crystalized Hypnobrai.) You guys saved me?

Lloyd: Orders aren't everything. Hopefully one day, you'll see that. So long, Marshal. (They both leave but when they get to Christina and Garmadon, Lloyd puts his hands on his heart and falls on the wall.)

Morro: Lloyd, are you okay?

Christina: He's not, He got struck by the Overlord. Lloyd, why did you even go to that island?

Garmadon: He was foolish enough to get to Harumi and tried to reason with her.

Lloyd: I wasn't being foolish! I was just telling her that she can change, but when she tried to warn me about the Overlord, I just didn't listen to her.

Christina: (She sighs.) Well, let's go look around here to get some help. (They all left.)

(In the city, Antonia leads Misako and some citizens to the newspaper warehouse.)

Nelson: When does the news sleep?

Antonia: Hopefully soon, because I'm gettin' pretty tired. (She enters the warehouse.) Make yourselves comfortable, Bathroom's in the back.

Misako: I must speak with Wu.

Antonia: He's a little busy at the moment.

Misako: (She takes off her straw hat.) Too busy for an old friend?

Wu: Misako? (They embrace.) Tell me you found something.

Misako: I found something, but I don't know how to decode it. (She takes out a scroll.) I found it in the Library of Domu. It's the final prophecy of Quanish the Elder.

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now