Mechanic: Attack! Don't let them escape, you rocks for brains! (The Vengestone guards tries to shoot them.)

Jay: Come on. We better get out of here! (They leave on his bike.)

Jay: Nya, where's Lloyd, Garmadon and Christina?

Nya: They flew off to somewhere else.

Jay: What?!

Nya: I know, but we have to find the others.

(At the newspaper warehouse, Sammy directs the paperkids.)

Sammy: Alright. Knuckles, Ten-Speed, you guys take route six. Spokes, Ace, you got route four. And Whiplash and Skids, you take route three, got it?

Leroy: A-firmative!

Gamer 2: On it!

Sammy: And remember, don't let those things touch you! (All the paperboys nods in agreement.)

(Suddenly, someone knocks on the doors.)

Sammy: (In a whisper) When does the news sleep?

Antonia: Never! (She and Nelson enter carrying Wu.) Don't just stand there, help us out!

Wu: What is this place? Where am I?

Nelson: You're in the paperkids' warehouse, Master Wu. We didn't know where else to bring you?

Wu: Do you know the whereabouts of the other ninja?

Antonia: You mean, you haven't heard? I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but ... the Destiny's Bounty was destroyed. It crashed into the city.

Wu: Crashed? Where?

Antonia: All over the place. It broke up into pieces.

Wu: And the ninja? Are they okay?

Sammy: Nobody knows.

Wu: They have survived worse.

Nelson: You bet. And now that you're here, we can start planning?

Wu: Planning?

Nelson: The counterattack! This place is the perfect base! We got water, electricity, we even got an old radio.

Wu: Absolutely not! There will be no counterattack! I must get you all to safety.

Antonia: What do you mean, no counterattack?

Nelson: Yeah! We're not scared.

Wu: Well, you should be. We are up against the Overlord himself. And I am not about to lead a group of children into battle against the embodiment of evil and darkness!

Nelson: That never stopped you before! Master Wu, you once told me that the important thing isn't winning or losing. It's never quitting.

Wu: This is different. And don't call me master.

Antonia: You may think we're just kids, but we've been around, y'know. We delivered the news through molten lava balls and giant snakes, and video game dragons, and tsunami waves.

Wu: It is not a question of courage. It is one of wisdom. I led the ninja into battle because I thought we had a chance. I was sorely mistaken. Our only chance lies in escape. We must get as far away from the city as we can.

Sammy: You heard him, Spokes. Looks like it's quittin' time.

(In the city, Jay and Nya speed through the streets.)

Jay: Even if we could find the others, Nya, what difference would it make? We're outnumbered. We need help.

Nya: Like who?

Jay: (He stops the bike.) Like Benthomaar!

Nya: Benthomaar? He's hundreds of miles away, Jay, at the bottom of the Endless Sea.

Jay: Right, and he's the new King of Merlopia, which means he's got an army. That's exactly what we need!

Nya: How do you plan to reach him?

Jay: I don't. But you can.

Nya: Me?

Jay: Your powers are coming back, Nya. You can communicate with the whales! You're our best shot!

Nya: What if I can't do it?

Jay: I believe in you, Nya.

Nya: Okay. Get me to the harbor, and I'll do my best. But no promises. (Jay gets back on his bike and they drive off.)

(At the newspaper warehouse, Wu directs the paperkids.)

Wu: Remember. Once we get outside, head straight for the edge of the city, and avoid all contact with the crystal warriors. Understood?

Nelson: (He sighs.) I never thought the day would come.

Antonia: Yeah. Me neither. The day the news finally sleeps. Good luck, purple ninja.

Nelson: You too, 'Tones.

(Outside, Jake's parents run from Vengestone Guards.)

Jake's mom: What do we do? There's no way out!

(Wu fights off the guards with a broom.)

Antonia: Heads up!

Nelson: Special delivery!

(The paperkids attack the guards with newspapers.)

Jake's dad: Thank you. You saved us.

Wu: Nelson, help these good people inside. Antonia, get these bikes out of sight.

Antonia: What do you mean? Ain't we quittin'?

Wu: No, we ain't. Ninja never quit.

(Inside the warehouse, Wu approaches the radio.)

Wu: If you can hear me, if there is anyone out there listening. This is Master Wu. Our home is under attack. Enemies roam our streets. They hope to destroy all that is good and drive us into darkness. But I am here to tell you: They will fail! We are not fearful! We are stronger than they know and we will retake our city! The news never sleeps! To anyone listening out there, you are now honorary ninja, and ninja never quit!

Sammy: You tell 'em, Master Wu!

Differences from the original.
• Nothing.

Hello, this chapter is pretty bad because I can't think of anything for it.

If there's any mistakes please tell me and I'll fix them.

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now