Chapter 63: Staying and a Jar

Start from the beginning

“But before I leave. I want you to answer one question. Just one. Okay.”


“If you were going to become a close friend with your partner,  share what would be important for him to know.”

Olivia stares at me for a really long time, not saying anything. It doesn't even take her long to realize that this is one of the questions in 36 Questions. I expect her to be angry, confused and feel —

Olivia laughs, it's abrupt, coming out of nowhere. It's hearty, bringing relief to my soul. She calms down, the smile still in her eyes.

This is where we left off.

In truth, we were supposed to be further ahead. We missed days of this because of everything that tried to pull us apart.

“I know…” Olivia begins, “there's no such thing as the perfect friend or companion.

“In the end…”she hesitates, her eyes holding mine, intimate, certain. “–the only thing that matters in my heart is if you stay. Even if you don't have the right words as long as you stay.”

Her words crash into me like a wave, washing away the doubt, the pain, the confusion. I can see clearly now. I can see that she's always wanted me to keep fighting, keep pursuing. I can see that I'm right where she wants me to be, even if she pretends otherwise.

“In case you haven't noticed Olivia. I'm not going anywhere.”

My chest warms, a vulnerable, fiery feeling rising up within me. “That's what…that's what I've always wanted too Olivia. Exactly that.”

“I missed you…”Olivia confesses, her eyes glimmering with new tears. “I missed this too.”

“Me too. That's why I couldn't wait a second longer. Back home, while watching this movie with my grandfather. I thought about the 27th question. We stopped at 26 and I wondered what your answer would be. I sort of knew your answer, in my heart and I just had to be…here.”

Olivia's eyes flutter shut, tears escaping her eyes.

“Leo, I'm so sorry.” Olivia says, her face covered in shame. “I hurt you a lot and you don't deserve that. I was not in a good place and —I have no excuse.”

“It's okay now. Olivia. None of that matters anymore. We both want the same thing. Each other. I want you now, tomorrow and forever —as long as that is for my life.”


“I want to be the one that stays…for you and I want you to be that for me. It's not going to be easy, it never is but it's always going to be worth it. You never have to question your worth because of me. Don't you see how much I love you? You're more than worthy in my sight. You're all I want.”

Olivia doesn't say anything after that, her eyes are glued on to her lap. My heart races, anxious. She looks up, a resolve settling in her eyes.

For a tense moment I'm scared, I'm scared Olivia will find a way to throw it all away. To throw us away.

She gets up abruptly, walking towards her white desk. She  looks through the pile. Finally, she pulls out her phone, exhaling.Olivia stares back at me like I'm supposed to understand what she's doing.

She comes back, taking her seat on the carpet floor. It doesn't go unnoticed that she has sat closer. We're two feet apart, the tear marks on her cheeks are visible but so is the glimmer in her eyes.

“Question twenty eight.” A smile adorns her face.

I hold my breath, and when it releases, it's laughter. The laughter is soft, hearty and it's mixed with tears in my eyes. I'm on the verge of crying, the joy bubbling within me is overwhelming, growing.

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