14. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘷𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘵

Start from the beginning

She has been protecting him all this time? The revelation struck the predacon with a sudden clearness, causing him to lower his gaze to the ground, his thoughts consumed by the memory he had lashed out in anger, the echo of her frightened expression appeared in his processor.

As the weight of his actions settled upon him, the Cybertronian creature felt a pang of guilt wash over his spark. He had mistaken her intentions, allowing his rage to cloud his judgment and betray the trust she had placed in him. In that moment of reflection, he realized the depth of his mistake.

"All of this mess is your fault, so don't you dare lie to me or you'll regret it." Bumblebee warned.

Predaking slowly lifted himself up, "Am I truly the reason she ran away without you knowing, bug?" he taunted, leaning his back on the cold rocky wall.

"Who else could it be?" he shot back, "She is my friend, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep her away from any harm, such as you, beast."

The large mech's golden stare gleamed with amusement, his smirk evident even in the dim light, "Yet it appears that you're the one who brought her harm."

Bumblebee froze at his reply, lowering his weapon, "...what?"

"You Autobots all fancy yourselves as saviors." Predaking spat, "Thinking you're the paragons of righteousness, when in reality, you leave a wake of destruction in your path. And the one who's truly hurting her is you."

The lieutenant's optics widened in shock at the accusation, his circuits buzzing with anger, "What are you talking about?" he retorted, "I would never harm Fluttershy, she's-"

"I saw the way you treated her." he continued, a sneer twisting his features, "Threatening her, just like you do with anyone who dares to challenge your so-called cause. You're no better than any other oppressor, enforcing your will upon those who are different."

"That... everything you're saying is wrong." he declared, " We have dedicated ourselves to protect and defend every innocent life from danger. It doesn't matter if she's an Autobot or not. I would never do such a thing to her!"

"But you did," he insisted, " The way she acts is because of you. I never intended to harm her... but I let my prejudice cloud my judgment, and for that, I deeply regret my accusation on her." he looked down in shame, "After everything she did for me, she earned my respect. She wanted to become... my friend." his frame relaxed slightly as the words left his intake, "She reached out to me, despite our differences. I've never been approached in such kind and gentle manner. A simple human. I no longer felt alone..." then his features tensed again, glance focusing on the smaller mech, gritting his sharp dentas as he growled, "Then you ruined everything."

"Me?" Bumblebee's questioned, his stare burning with frustration as he yelled back, "You're the one who caused this argument between us in the first place!"

"I now see the reason why she was hiding this from you, why she acts with such defiance." the creature arose on his pedes, still holding the injury on the side of his frame. The yellow robot continued to scowl at him with dislike, ready for whatever his opponent's movements.

The air seemed to crackle with tension as the beast's golden gaze bore into him. The winged mech closed the distance between them, his formidable presence casting a shadow over the shorter robot. And then, breaking the silence like a thunderclap, came Predaking's words.

"She is afraid of you."

He declared. It was as if the very walls reverberated with the weight of truth, echoing the gravity of his revelation. A heavy silence descended upon the cavern, broken only by the soft hum of the wind outside. Bumblebee's stern face-plate was replaced with surprise and dawning realization, his mind working overtime to process the implications of his statement, struggling to comprehend the depth of his charge's fear. Images flashed through his mind-her hesitant glances, her nervous demeanor whenever he approached. How had he not seen it earlier? How had he failed to recognize the fear lurking behind her gentle facade? His spark ached with the weight of guilt as he grappled with the revelation. He had never intended to bring fear in Fluttershy, never imagined that his actions could have such unintended consequences. And yet, there he stood, confronted with the harsh reality of his unwitting impact.

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