{1 - I} : NATIVITY

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"I, Leonardo promise to give you all of my love forever

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"I, Leonardo promise to give you all of my love forever. Ellonor, would you want to join me and be with me forever?" I spoke sincerely as my eyes burned with regard and affection; love. I held her hands in the gentlest way I can. I saw her eyes welled up and flickered with deep devotion.

"Undoubtedly." She replied in a soft way.

I embraced her and whispered beside her ear, "Then, marry me."

She looked up at me, pulled back slightly, and put her hands on my cheek, as I put mine on her waist. "I will." She responded, her voice layered with tenderness.

After that, Ellonor and I were happily married within a year. We were currently living in one of my family's ancestral mansions located at Transylvania, Romania. My wife soon gave birth to our child.

She's now laying on our bed holding our child, humming peacefully while I was sitting on the edge of the bed beside them. Aside from the fact that it makes our child sleep, her voice also sends comfort to me. As I look at them

 As I look at them

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and the situation I am in right now, my eyes filled with tears of happiness as I realized how far Ellonor and I have been

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

and the situation I am in right now, my eyes filled with tears of happiness as I realized how far Ellonor and I have been

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