part 46 the hunted

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After they returned back to the castle Sora thought she would give everyone training so lance and allura could bond with their lion's better,

But she didn't see Keith anywhere she became worried

When a red alarm sounded in the castle Sora ran towards the control room to see everyone there except Keith,

"The black lion want out of the hanger! " said coran

Allura quickly contacted Keith through the black lion "Keith where are you going?" Asked allura

"I put a tracker on lotor's ship, everyone get to your lion's, we're going after em, you all wanted me to lead Voltron? This is how I lead!" Said Keith

"But Keith, allura and lance just got new lion's they haven't bonded, we can't form Voltron this way they need a little time" said sora

"Sora is right Keith we don't have much experience right now it could be risky" said allura

" I don't care right either you guys are coming with or I'm going alone "said Keith cutting the communication

Sora sighed " let's go guys, if we leave him alone he's going to get himself killed out there"

The others nodded with and ran to their lion's to catch up with Keith ,

They followed the trackers location with the black lion in the lead, the five remaining lions followed closely behind in a tight formation "lotor's cruiser is on the other side of the planet, at our current rate speed, we'll be within attack range in an hour" pidge informed the team

"Good" Keith replied "hold formation"

In the distance, lotor's ship could be seen hovering above the rings of the planet, while they were focused, allura accidentally lost control of the blue lion and rammed into hunk"oh, apologies hunk!"

Sora quickly held the yellow lion with the white lion's claws after steadying the lion hunk "thanks Sora, but is attacking right now such a good idea? You know since not everyone is so great with their lion's" said hunk

"Do you mean me, specifically?" Asked Allura

"You? No" hunk replied quickly "no way, I didn't, I'm just simply pointing out what Sora said earlier about how half the team having new lion's and haven't bonded enough yet with their lion's. Maybe now's not a great time to bit off more than we can chew"

"You can blame our hotheaded leader for that one" lance scoffed

"First, you want me to lead and than your complaining how I do it, prince lotor is the heir to the galra throne, we could end his reign right now" Keith replied irritated

"Ma, ma Keith calm down, we don't even know how capable this motor is, safety is the most important you should remember" said Sora

"Right listen to Sora Keith we should keep our distance for a while" said pidge

Keith didn't say anything to Sora or pidge and want forward

Sora and pidge looked each other worried in the Communcater and followed Keith

Sora and lance saw Allura pretty much struggling with the blue lion "ahhh Allura you doing okay in blue?" Asked lance

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