part 35 the belly of the weblum part 2

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Sora was teasing hunk, as he wanted to go to balmera to see shay but Keith came in between to make them focus

"You guys quit it, we have a mission, you heard coran, building a huge teludav isn't easy, everyone has a job to do and this is our" said Keith

"But I always get the worst jobs, go to a galra-occupied planet to get my lion, go to a galra-occupied balmera to get crystal, go into a belly of a beast with the only galra alien,and very strong fox alien" said hunk whining

"I'm not an alien" said Keith
"Hey what's wrong with me!?" Said Sora

"Nothing is wrong with you Sora I was just making a point and Keith you're kind of an alien,your way more alien than me, you're at least some alien,I'm none alien," said hunk

Keith sighs moving toward the front of the cockpit "let's just concentrate on the job here"

"Yeah" hunk was silent for a while before going back to the subject "was you mom the alien? Your grandpa? How galra are you?"

"I don't know" yelled Keith

"Did the blade of marmora, like teach you the secret handshake or something?" Asked hunk

Keith at this point was becoming frustrated "no, no one said anything"

"Hunk that's enough, leave my poor baby alone, and who cares how galra he is, he's still Keith that didn't change" said Sora taking the very frustrated Keith in her arms

Hunk still wasn't satisfied and kept
talking wanting to know like a curious baby seeing something new
"The blade of marmora... They're real tight-lipped, aren't they? I get that your society is secret, but is everything a secret?"

Finally he snapped "okey, look, it's bad enough that allura hates me now, can you just lay off?"

"Allura doesn't hate you, you just need to give her time to accept that fact that you're galra, that destroyed her entire planet and all her people" he frowned and blinks"yeah she might hate you a little bit-"before he could finish his words a strong hand was placed on his shoulder "hunk~~~~~do you want me to kill allura?" Said Sora with a sweet voice making hunk sweat in fear

Then Sora turned to Keith with a sweet smile making him nervous "and Keith you shouldn't worry if allura hates you or not because your not in any fault, she is just being stupid, instead of taking out her hate on zarkon who really destroyed her planet she is taking it out on you, so you owe her nothing, and if she doesn't apologize sooner or later I'll make her regret it, sooo hunk no more asking am I clear~~~" said Sora with a sweet voice

Both said at the same time "crystal"

"Good"said Sora letting go of hunk, as he sighs in relief, as he starts to get the video working

They got the video to work, but it was glitching at first before an younger version of coran appeared"hello, brave altean"

"No way" hunk grins, holding back his laugh "is that coran?"

"Wow he was a teacher, who would have thought" said Sora

As they focused on the video watching younger coran "so, your about to go into the belly of a weblum to harvest scaultrite, good for you, scaultrite is an important substance with thousands commercial and industrial yes, including fabrication foam, insect night vision goggles, teludav-"

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