part 42 blackout part 2

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With sora's power up she was also able to power up Voltron

"Ok we got this, we got to dig deep and fight" ordered Shiro

As Voltron launched itself against zarkons, thanks to the power up they now have a power shield around Voltron that blocked powerful blows from zarkon
"Form sword!!" Ordered Shiro

As Voltron and zarkon clashes swords the attacks from both were very powerful, the paladins tried long -range attacks, but the assailants were easily blocked with larges

When they clashed swords again Shiro felt zarkon trying to control his lion again

Shiro grunted as he felt the familiar tug on him and the black lion "he's trying to control my lion, I can feel it in my head, Sora why isn't your seal working" said Shiro

"I'm sorry Shiro but my power burned of all the seals in Voltron and it will take time to make another one," said Sora very apologetic

"You can fight this Shiro" said Keith

Sora noticed the arm holding Voltron in place and launched out chains and ripped the arm of completely

As zarkon backed away seeing he lost an arm in his ship

"Great job Sora" said hunk

"Whoa it was awesome" said lance

"Thanks for the save Sora now how many more chains can you launch" said Shiro as Sora smirked

Voltron launched out 30 chains at once at zarkon as zarkon was trying to Dodge them but some of the chains caught up to him

"Sora make sure to keep zarkon away from Shiro" said pidge

But suddenly zarkon launched himself at Voltron with a sword in one hand shocking the paladins

The sword hit in the heart making a shock wave through Voltron, they screamed in pain as Voltron separated and turned to lions and floated endlessly in space

The white lion was the first to get back in online Sora knowing zarkons target was the black lion she launched out her chains and pulled black towards her

Sora heard Keith's voice "Sora what's wrong with Shiro!"

"He's unconscious from the impact" said Sora

"Ok you protect Shiro and see if you can wake him up, guys we can't let zarkon have the black lion " said Keith to the others

The four lions we determined to protect their leader, they were going to keep zarkon away from from the black lion and Shiro, the blue, yellow, green and red lion were targeted by zarkon as Sora was trying to make the black lion come back in online by giving it energy

"Come on! We can't give up now!" Keith shouted

"I'm running out of strength, man" hunk confessed in a exhausted tone

"Look out" yelled lance

Zarkon used his lagers to target the four lions, they were about to hit but some glowing chains blocked them and the chains wiped zarkon away from the others making zarkon realize he was slowing down

Voltron: fox Of The White LionWhere stories live. Discover now