part 5 defender's of the universe part 1

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Castle armory___
The team followed allura and coran to an armory where six glass tubes held the paladins armors.
The boys got dressed in the armor that had accepts color of their lion's. Sora looked at her armor then at her tails.

She was worried if all her tails will fit or not. Altura noticed her worry and came to help her.

"Sora don't worry we can make adjustment for your tails in the armor" with that Sora signed of relief.

Sora put her armor on when it was ready and it fit her perfectly she was happy with it tails were wagging but her chest armor was a bit tight but she said nothing. Sora and allura want back to the others they noticed the two walking back "wow Sora now you won't have any problems with your tails and you look so gorgeous"
Sora smiled"thank you lance"
Pidge walked around Sora and nodded
"I have to agree with lance with this one " Sora petted pidge head smiling. Allura then gave then their bayard's.

"The bayard's are the traditional weapon of the voltron paladins. They take a distinct shape for each paladin. Forming a weapon that complements your individual fighting style and skills" explained allura.

"In addition, they can be connected to the lion's to form weapon for voltron itself"
Keith had a sword and shield, Keith eyes want wide and he looked at Sora who in return gave him a eye closed smile.

Lance and hunk had a variation of a gun and pidge had a small arrow headed dagger.
Sora's bayard turned into twin long swords
"Aw you got a cut little bayard" pidge then shocked lance "ya it is pretty cute " pidge smirks
"Lance you should never underestimate a weapon even if it's small" Sora was looking worried for lance "aye"lance groaned. Sora sign and Lola was in the corner enjoying the show. Lola then barked at sora, Sora understood and changed her twin srowds into a syth. Others were surprised. So it worked Sora though.

" how did you do that Sora" pidge wanted to know, "I am a weapon master pidge, allura did say that the bayard would change to a weapon that complements my individual fighting style and skills" pidge had Star's in her eyes "how many weapon did you master" Sora thought "hmmm to many to count" Keith already knew that thanks to the talk they had earlier.

While that was happening allura went to Shiro "Shiro, I'm afraid your bayard was lost with its paladin " allura gave an apologetic look.

" I guess I'll just have to make do".shiro responded. Allura then nodded. She then pulled up the schematic of the enemy ship and began telling them the plan., "you'll need to retrieve the red Lion from Sandak's ship".

Sendak that's sound familiar who was he again oh well if we forget about him then he is not that important Sora and Lola thought (they forget that he was the one they had most fun torturing with illusions and yes Sora can also do illusions)

" that's a pretty big ship. How are we gonna know where the red Lion is "Keith asked allura. The worry that he had he wouldn't be able to find and connect with the Lion like the othes . Sora noticed and used one of her tails to rap it around his leg as a way to comfort him.
Keith felt it and looked at her but she give him a comforting smile and Keith smiled back.

" it's not a matter of 'we' it's a matter of 'you'"
"Or your Lion can kidnapped you like mine did " Sora smiled as she said that (bark)
"Ahh I think that's just your Lion Sora but pidge is right once we get you in, you'll be able to feel it's presence and track it down " hunk said encouraging.

Voltron: fox Of The White LionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora