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"You sure you want to do that?" Chan asked while setting up the camera. I nodded. "As long as you are sure as well," I answered. He took a deep breath and nodded. "It doesn't make sense to hide it anymore at this point. And I finally want to show off with my beautiful girlfriend," he grinned, slinging an arm around me and giving me a peck on the forehead. I grinned. "Okay, let's do this!" I said. Chan started the livestream. "Long time no see," he started. "Wow, what a nice introduction, Chan," I joked. I pulled out my phone, opening the comments to the stream. Chan did the same. People were going crazy seeing us together. "We will answer all your questions today," Chan said, "so feel free to comment them." I took a deep breath.

It was the same question over and over again. "Channie, I think there is only one question in the comments," I said honestly, scrolling further down but not finding anything else. Chan started to grin. "Fine, guys. You really want to know if we two are dating, huh?" he asked, slinging his arm back around me and pulling me closer. He gave me a sweet kiss on top of my head. "I guess we're together," I grinned. The people were going even more crazy now. "How did we get together?" Chan read out loud. I started to grin. "Let's just say, a certain song did its job," I laughed. People started to speculate immediately which one. Some of them guessing correctly.

"I guess at some point we just made more sense together, don't we?" Chan asked. "Yeah, you were like constantly in my room anyways," I joked. "I was in your room? Wasn't it the other way around?" he asked, playfully nudging me in the side. I giggled. "What does Felix say?" I read. I thought a little bit about how to put it. "He is surprisingly calm about it, isn't he?" I asked and looked at Chan, who still hasn't removed his arm from around me. "Yeah, he is. He supports it. I mean, he found it weird at first, but he got used to it," he said. "I would be weirded out in his position as well. But he really is fine with it," I said.

Chan suddenly started to laugh. "What?" I asked confused. "Someone asked what the whole Ryan Reynolds thing was," he said. I burrowed my face in my hands. "Oh god, do I have to explain it for real?" I asked. Chan laughed louder. "It's too good of a story to not tell it, Babe!" Chan said. I shook my head. "Fine. So I wrote that song. Maybe you guys heard it. It's 'older' if you're wondering. And obviously, it's about Chan. He produced it for me, and he really pressed me into telling him about who it was. And I just panicked. I watched Deadpool the evening before so Ryan Reynolds was the first person to come to my mind," I explained.

"Since then, it's kind of a massive running gag, that Lily has a massive crush on Ryan and that all her love songs are about him. Even he plays into it," Chan laughed. "I still hate you guys for telling him about it," I mumbled. "Let's search another question... do you live at the dorms?" I read. "Actually, I have my own place. We stay there sometimes but I'm mostly just here. The guest room kind of became my room," I explained. "You could just move in at this point," Chan suggested. I looked at him. "Ask me that the right way again later and maybe I will," I answered simply. Chan stared at me for a second before finally catching himself again. "Let's move on..."


"That was nice," I said and leaned on Chan's shoulder. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "Yeah, it was. I thought people would react worse. But they all kind of ship us, don't they?" he said. I giggled. "They were crazy about us," I mumbled. "Did you mean it?" he asked me. I lifted my head and met his gaze. "What exactly?" I asked confused. "Would you move in here?" he asked. I smiled. "I'm here the whole time anyway. Honestly, my apartment is just a waste of money by now," I said. Chan started grinning. "You're right. You're practically living here anyway. But just so you know... if you would like to live here officially, it would mean a lot to me," he said. I stretched up a bit and placed my lips on his. "It means a lot to me too," I whispered against his lips. He pulled away a bit. "I really love you. I want you to know that," he mumbled. I started to smile. "I really love you too," I whispered back. His lips lowered on mine again. This surely was the beginning of something great.

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