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t.lilysaurus 'Obsessed' is out now. Go stream my album or @ t.leeknowsaurus will haunt you in your sleep
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t.leeknowsaurus stop using this name😡
>t.lilysaurus sadly you can't blackmail me anymore so I will totally use it
>user1 anymore? He can't blackmail you ANYMORE?
>user2 Lee Know blackmailing Lily somehow makes sense 💀
user3 you think this whole album is about Bangchan?
>user4 I don't know if that makes sense
>user3 I mean the last song is a love song and they sang it together
>user4 true... but I don't know. She's Felix younger sister after all...
user5 am I the only one who wants to be haunted by Lee Know?
vancityreynolds I feel flustered
>user 6 is this whole thing with Ryan Reynolds like some kind of inside joke?
>user4 I kind of think so? They all saying all her songs are about him. But I think they're joking? Maybe some day they'll explain...


"We should go out and celebrate tonight," Bangchan said. "You want to celebrate?" I asked, amused, looking up at him. I was sitting on the couch, and he was standing right in front of me. "Yeah, you just dropped an album and it's already trending. We should celebrate that," he said, gently cupping my face. "We could do that," I mumbled, leaning into his touch. Chan smiled and leaned down to plant a sweet kiss on my lips.

"This will never not be weird," a voice interrupted us. I pulled away and looked towards the doorway. Seungmin was standing there, just staring at us. "You know what's weirder? You just standing there and watching," I answered. "I can't help it. It's like an accident. You don't want to look but you can't stop staring," Seungmin said. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Get your kids under control," I said towards Chan, who just started grinning.

"Where are you going?" he asked, as I was passing Seungmin and walked through the door. "Getting ready. I look like a homeless person," I said. "You look hot," Chan yelled after me. I grinned. "Stop it! I can't deal with this!" Seungmin said, weirded out. I just shook my head and continued my way.


"I'm heading for the bathroom real quick. Just wait here," Chan said. He pecked my forehead and disappeared into the men's bathroom. I leaned against the wall of the building and took out my phone, hoping I wouldn't have to stand here for too long on my own.

"Look who we've got," a voice said. The blood in my veins froze. I knew that voice too well. It still haunted me in my nightmares. I slowly looked up from my phone, directly into my ex's face. "Why are you just staring at me? Don't you want to greet me?" he said, that stupid smile on his lips that I hated with all my heart.

"Leave me alone, Jason," I said, but my voice was shaking. How long would it take Chan to pee? "Oh, come on. Why are you so bothered?" he asked, taking a step towards me. I wanted to take a step back badly, but the wall was right behind me. "Stay away from me! I mean it!" I said loudly, but there wasn't anyone in sight who could've heard me. I felt a panic attack rush in, but I needed to stay focused, just a little longer.

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