"What have you done to yourself?" Stone breathed out as his gold blood stained the ground.

"Oh? This? Well! Thanks for noticing! It took a lot of time and training with Satan to get this type of body!" Raphael turned his back to Stone and Cross as he flexed. On his back was Satan's symbol, a horned demonic face with multiple eyes that glowed orange like his hair.

"Satan is the one who helped you!? The Sin of Wrath!?" Cross yelled as Raphael turned back around, a confused look on his face.

"Well, he did train me up...right before he threw me out of his home for being a fallen angel! I was gonna repay him by sending the squads I had on Wrath to subdue him with the platform! But, seeing as how you destroyed and set free the other Sins, you probably found the one I had stored at the base and learned how to destroy it, didn't you?" Raphael asked Cross.

"You left it alone and because of that, the other Sins are now free. But now there's another question I must ask, who helped you raise this army if not Satan? The amount of bullets, the pristine strategy and knowledge of where to send your troops on each ring, followed by the very steel you had for the armor and hooks. That's angelic steel, and even if you melted down the spears the exterminators used and left when they visit for Extermination Day, there's no way you would have enough. So, who is supplying you from Heaven?" Cross asked. Stone glanced at him with a raised eyebrow before Raphael whistled and clapped.

"Nothing gets by you teach! Yeah, I'll admit, I had some help from Heaven! A wondrous person that saw my struggles and realized we shared the same wants and decided that by teaming up, we would set about starting a fire that couldn't be extinguished until there was nothing left to burn!"

"Who!? Who in Heaven would dare team up with a fallen angel!? Speak, curr!" Stone yelled as he pointed his sword at Raphael using his only arm to support it.

"Hmm, how about this? You beat me, and I'll tell you who my secret partner is! But until then, my mouth is sealed!" Raphael's smoky arm grabbed Stone's crispy arm as it brought it to Raphael who held it with one arm. He grinned at the two before opening his mouth and biting down onto the mass. Both Stone and Cross went wide eye at the action as Raphael chewed and then swallowed before he threw the arm to the side.

"But, I will admit, even though Satan threw me out, his teachings allowed me to copy and figure out some of his best moves! Like this one..." Raphael's right arm suddenly morphed and transformed into an armored one as he stared at it and flexed it.

"What in oblivion is that!?" Cross yelled as Raphael smiled at him.

"Oh, don't think I left your teachings out either, Cross. After all, I had to learn how to get around quickly." Suddenly, Raphael's eyes glowed a bright red and Cross blinked before Raphael disappeared from sight. What came next was a ridiculous, immense pain in his gut as Cross was sent off his feet and sent backwards through the air. He crashed through Lucifer's mansion as he flew past the chained king and into the wall, his mask going dark and his body slumping in the wall.

"Cross!" Stone yelled as Raphael looked to him and grinned. He then disappeared as soon as Stone blinked, causing Stone to quickly place his sword in front of himself as he was barely able to block the punch that was thrown by Raphael's right arm. He recognized the strength to be equal to his own as his sword cracked slightly. Stone swung his blade with his one arm as quickly as he could but against Raphael, it was futile. Where he swung, Raphael was no longer there as Stone began to receive a brutal beat down, his armor cracking and even being torn off by each of Raphael's blows.

"Come on! Fight me more, Stone! Pray to the High One like you were earlier! PRAY STONE! LET HIM HEAR YOU!" Raphael taunted. Stone's insides were being battered and bruised as he received this ruthless beatdown. He tried defending, blocking what little attacks he could as Raphael laughed like a maniac.

"COME ON! WAS THE DEATH OF YOUR WIFE NOT ENOUGH MOTIVATION-!" Raphael was suddenly cut off as Stone had grabbed his armored fist with his own, larger hand. Raphael couldn't budge, not even pull his hand back from Stone's as he blinked.

"Seems all that strength you have is just in one arm, huh?" Stone's gaze pierced Raphael as the angel, in one quick motion, tore that arm off from Raphael's body. Gold blood flew as Raphael screamed in pain but didn't scream for long as Stone gripped his face and lifted his body before throwing him into the other untouched stone fountain in the front lawn, breaking it into pieces. Raphael was splayed across it, lying on his back as he didn't even have a chance to stand before Stone was on him, pummeling him down onto the stone with just one arm.

"DON'T. YOU. EVER. TALK. ABOUT. MY. WIFE!" Stone yelled as he punched Raphael deeper into the fountain, blowing debris everywhere. During this rampage, Stone wasn't able to see Raphael's arm shoot over and connect to his body before he brought the fist back and punched Stone in his gut so hard he blew the giant angel back. Raphael steadily stood up as blood ran down his face and body, the crazed look he gave Stone still plastered for him to see.

"There we go...that's the look I want..." Raphael commented as Stone's eyes were wide, furious, and he had slobber around his mouth, results from the punch Raphael had dealt him.

"Well, while Cross is out of it, why don't you entertain me, apprentice of Samson!?" Raphael disappeared and reappeared in front of Stone but Stone was ready as they threw their fists at one another and began brawling. Lucifer, meanwhile, stared at the battle in the front lawn before glancing back at Cross who was still unconscious.

"Damn it, Cross! Come on! Stone needs help! Wake up!" Lucifer called to Cross who didn't respond, just limply hung in the wall. Lucifer began thinking as to what he could do to help him but with his body bound and his powers limited, he couldn't do much. He yelled as the hooks tore through his body and made him spill more of his golden blood. But he had a plan as he slowly brought himself to his feet and began painfully hobbling to the stairs. With Raphael focused on Stone, Lucifer focused his power to the one chain binding his arm and was successful in engulfing and snapping it. This released Lucifer's right arm as he painfully hopped up the stairs, each hop causing pain to pulse through him but he was determined to reach Cross. Upon reaching the knocked out angel, he stared at his cracked, black mask before placing his hand on it and gasping for breath.

"I can see your memories...your pain...your regret. But you can't because of my brother. I can't restore your memories with the powers I have, but I can wake you up! So, come on! Time for round two!" Lucifer called out as he placed his hand on Cross's mask and enveloped his head in red energy.

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