Chapter 4

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Act One

In the city, sat on the roof of V tower, was Cross. He held a cup of tea in his hand as the table next to him was blue with gold accents, and held a white teapot on it. Next to it, was a white teacup, and a black teacup, both empty. With his mask sat on his lap, Cross enjoyed the sweet, herbal tea as the heat and comfort of the liquid pulled his busy mind away from the problems he faced. Not just with the mission, but his own that he pushed down to avoid confronting, to him, it just was never worth it. He raised the cup and took another sip and when he lowered it, a black cloaked figure wearing a top hat and green webbing as a collar stood before him, staring at Cross with his many eyes.

“Hello, Cross, it's been many, many years since we've last met. When I first became an overlord, I believe?” Cross knew that voice anywhere.

“Hello, Zestial. Been quite some time indeed. To answer your question, you had been an overlord for a month when I first met you. It certainly was an eye opening experience for me, after all, I was just an apprentice at the time. Tea?” Cross motioned to the white teacup as Zestial smiled widely.

“Gladly! Happy to know you haven't lost your hospitality with the work you've been put through, right?” Zestial moved to the open seat next to Cross as he poured himself a cup of tea and deeply inhaled the smell.

“Holly berries, foreboding but a delectable smell. I never took you as a tea enjoyer, Cross,” Zestial took a sip of the tea as he sighed happily.

“Me neither. But, my boss recommended it, and I figured I should give it a try.” Cross took another sip of his tea before setting down his empty blue teacup.

“How did you know I was coming?” Zestial asked while he sipped his tea.

“I made Charlie and Vaggie take a vow, now, whatever they see and hear, I see and hear.” Cross mentioned, while he tapped his temple.

“Ooo, how devious of you. I would never have taken you as the type.” Zestial praised, which earned him a grunt from Cross.

“A necessary evil to complete my orders,”

“Was it also a necessary evil to do that damage to Carmilla and her daughters?” Cross lowered his head slightly as Zestial's eyes narrowed, but his smile remained. A silence passed between the two for a moment before Cross looked at him.

“If I told you she owed me in blood, would you believe me?” Cross asked carefully, watching Zestial.

“And her daughters? Did they deserve that? Bullet holes in their hands like you crucified them?” Zestial set his cup down, tension between himself and Cross at its peak.

“They shot at me, Zestial, with hellfire bullets. I could have killed them, and Carmilla, in which we wouldn't be talking like this, would we?” Cross explained the situation, as his knee bounced up and down anxiously.

“So, why didn't you, Cross-Off? Yes, I still remember your old name but you aren't doing it justice. Are you turning over a new leaf?” Cross frowned at Zestial's words but knew he couldn't exactly argue.

“I've been ordered not to kill. Simple as that.” Zestial's eyes widened in surprise as he laughed, the tension between him and Cross dying away.

“They de-fanged you? How unfortunate, seeing as how what you're about to do next might entail killing someone.” Zestial picked his teacup up and started to sip his tea again.

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