I groaned, slumping myself against the wall, my bottom hitting the tile floor. I buried my head in my arms, and just sat there, all by myself in the utter silence and darkness.

What am I doing...


(The next day)

I groaned, and held my throbbing head. I was having a massive headache.

Then I realized, I was in my bed. I don't recall getting up and walking to my bed, how weird.

Shrugging it off, and tiredly stretched and got out of bed. I looked over and noticed that there was no one in Sehun's bed. Unconsciously, I sighed of relief.

After I made myself some quick breakfast, I plopped myself on the living room couch. Then I noticed the quiet dorm.

Where is everyone?

I thought about it then came to the conclusion that they were practicing, so I wasn't worrying. I just simply enjoyed the peace and ate my meal while watching tv.

I was fully immersed in the random drama on the television screen, because I didn't even notice a yawning figure coming closer to me.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder, and without thinking, I just absentmindedly turned around. I widened my eyes, and visibly jumped a little. I wasn't expecting seeing someone else in the dorm.

"Luhan! What are you doing here?" I gaped, questioning the Chinese idol in front of me.

"Well, the rest are in the practice room right now and I'm supposed to be there, but I bailed 'cause I didn't feel very well at the time..." He looked off, avoiding my eye contact.

Oh right...

I opened my mouth."L-Luhan, about yesterday-"

I couldn't bare to look at Luhan directly while I spoke; I could practically hear Luhan getting uncomfortable. Just then, I felt a thin finger being pressed against my lips, causing me to shut up."Stop."

I blinked."What? Luhan-"

"NO!" He shouted, which took me by surprise. It was uncharacteristic of him, and it kind of scared me to be honest.

He must've noticed my feared look, because he automatically felt guilty afterwards."I'm sorry, it's just....I don't think I cant handle talking about that for a while.."

I gulped nervously."Oh, I'm sorry-"

"And you can stop apologizing so much. You don't need to be sorry for anything, you didn't do anything wrong..."

I literally just broke your heart what are you talking about-"Oh...sorr-, I mean, okay."

He chuckled, and turned to me with surprisingly happy eyes."I'm not mad at you, Kyung Mi, I just want to let you know that." He flashed a quick smile that looked forced. I narrowed my eyes, in suspicion, which he didn't see.

I meekly smiled back, unconsciously releasing a sigh from my lips."I'm actually really relieved to hear that. I'm glad we can still be normal with each other." I smiled once again at him, showing my thanks.

A thin smile appeared on his lips too, and maybe a light tint of blush, but it was probably just the lighting."No prob, I feel the same way."

I tried to ignore the way Luhan's eyes gleamed with tears....

I just mentally checked Luhan off my list of people to talk to;

that just left one more person...




"Hey, oppa, do you know where Sehun is?"

I poked Suho, who was just comfortably lying on the sofa in the living room, absorbed in his book. It was already around 11pm, and most of the members were in bed or just doing whatever they do.

"Sehun?" Suho looked up at me with questioning eyes, and readjusted his reading glasses."I think I saw him heading out to the practice room. Why?"

I instantly avoided his eye contact the moment he asked."Uhh, I just wanted to talk to him, s'all."

He squinted his eyes, and cleared his throat, causing me to jump a little bit."You don't have to act natural, I'm pretty sure everyone in this dorm knows what's going on between you, Sehun, and Luhan."

I gulped nervously, unconsciously chuckling awkwardly."W-what?"

Suho smiled reassuringly."Calm down, it's fine. I mean, we've tried to talk to them ourselves but they both seem to take it a little hard, especially Sehun..." Suho quieted down at the mention of Sehun.

"But anyway,"He patted me on the back,"I'm glad you're taking the effort to talk to them, that really helps everyone."

"Haha, it's something I should do anyway. For me and Exo," I spoke softly.

"Well, you better go to him. Good luck."

A small smile appeared on my lips."Thanks, I'll see you later."

And with that, I headed to the practice room with nerves running through my head.




I called out in the practice room, looking for the so-called idol. I turned over to my right to see a figure in the corner, panting heavily and wiping his sweat. He didn't seem to notice me.

"Se-" He whipped his head back, and looked at me intently before I could barely say anything. I jumped at the sudden attention at me.

I just slowly but surely walked closer to him, which eventually ended up with me sitting next to Sehun, with an obvious distance between us. The whole time, Sehun's eyes followed my every movement.

"Sehun..." I started cautiously. I could practically hear the exhaustion in my voice, which made sense since I didn't get a wink of sleep at all last night.

I didn't say anything for a while, just caging the two of us in awkward silence. He sighed, which grabbed my attention. Hesitantly, I turned my head in his direction.

I gulped, as he opened his mouth and spoke."It's alright, Kyung Mi." He looked directly into my shaking pupils, but I held the intense eye contact, set on not being a coward.

"Sehun, I know I should say something. I want to patch things up between the two of us, I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry about me." He put it bluntly, using a cold tone. It gave me unwanted shudders through my body.

I continued to stare at him, his eyes full of an emotion I couldn't put my finger on. Hurt..? "Sehun.."

"It's alright."

I sighed deeply, and just nodded."If you say so...but this isn't the last time I'm gonna talk to you about this. I just," I paused, thinking of how to put it,"I want things to be the same way it was before..."

Then Sehun did something that made me want to curl up and cry. He laughed. Not happily, but with a bitter taste to it. I widened my eyes, unsure with what to say. I just stared at him laughing away, each chuckle bringing me more guilt.

After a couple moments of Sehun filling the room with his harsh chuckles, then suddenly turned to me, gazing at me with cold eyes.

"Kyung Mi, you realize that can never happen again, right?"


You guys must think that Sehun's being a total butt right now, but Kyung Mi I guess deserves it? What are your guys' thoughts on the situation?

Do you think Kyung Mi deserves this treatment? Thoughts on how Luhan took her apology?

Thanks for reading!

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