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"Come on guys, get me eyes on Barnes."

"Mira keep the rave party up." Tony told her as he quickly tapped the side of his glasses in a panic "F.R.I.D.A.Y. get me a source on that outage."

The floor shook violently underneath them causing Mira to scream before she quickly glanced between Tony and Natasha in a panic "The atoms downstairs just shifted. Violently. I felt something crashing through the elevator shaft at insane speed."


The fact that Secretary Ross and Everett Ross had the same last name was really starting to annoy Mira.

"I got it!" Everett responded without hesitation cueing Natasha to grab Mira, pulling the girl along as they started making their way down the hall.

"Please tell me you brought a suit."

Tony just nodded sharply as the three of them moved quickly through the dark panicked halls, the only thing helping their vision being the pink glow illuminating the teenager's hands "Sure did. It's a lovely Tom Ford three-piece two button. I'm in active duty, no combatant."

"You hate Tom Ford." Mira snapped as she raised her palm, a pink glow circling around the room allowing the trio to quickly find the emergency exist leading to the stairs.

Another sudden surge in atoms rushed through her so suddenly it caused Mira to let out a small gasp colliding into Natasha who quickly wrapped a protective arm around her. The EMP shutting down so many objects at once had her body a little bit more sensitive given she had gotten used to the hum of the computers only for silence to fill her in an instant.

"Mira, what is it? What do you feel?"

Mira gasped clutching onto her head, her ears were ringing, so much was happening in this building so quickly it was throwing her off. Clenching her eyes shut, she tried to quiet the materials around as she focused on molecules vibrating the fastest in the building "A metal structure is moving downstairs, it's quick and confusing. It's on the first level where all the agents are eating lunch. But not a full body just a single limb. I didn't get a sense of his arm last time because he wasn't really using it, but his entire body is on hyperdrive right now. Like he just snorted ten lines of coke. It's Barnes."

Barnes was out of his cage.

Attacking people downstairs, having lost complete control.

"I really don't want to know why you know what the atoms in a body filled with cocaine feels like." Tony commented as they continued moving forward "Actually, no, seriously, we need to have a discussion about your understanding of how drugs affect the vibration of atoms in a person when we get home. You shouldn't be able to point that out!"

"Uncle Tony, more important things to worry about right now!"

"Follow me." Sharon Carter practically ordered as she kicked open the stairwell door, bolting down it without hesitation. Natasha did the same after giving Mira a quick kiss on the forehead while Tony purposely blocked the teenager's path when she tried to step forward.

"You are staying."

His protective tone had Mira rolling her eyes slightly "Ah, hello? High-level superpowers here. Can control non-biological matter?! Barnes has a metal arm!" Which meant she could hold him down a lot easier than most when it came to physical combat "I also have super strength!"

Given that the one reason he had let Mira fight today was to protect her image to the public, Tony shook his head. He didn't want her fighting unless it was in public where a camera could witness her acting the opposite of The Blue Bullet and even then, he didn't want her doing it alone. Hence why he had Rhodey go with her despite knowing Mira could have handled the situation a few hours ago all on her own.

He never wanted Mira to be put in danger.

She was still 14 and with her mom currently in the UK and Rhodey with their government officials here, Mira was his responsibility.

She was not fighting!

They had this handled!

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