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371 14 2

   It was 12 p.m., but Silver Wolf was still awake as she fiddled with some random stuff on her digital screens, bored out of her mind. She had created an app called 'Critter Pick', which will create special creations, a bit like a breeding game. Honestly, she actually made the creations to look like a cake-cat or cat-cake or, whatever, it's like that, basically a cat in cake like form.

"Huh, I wonder what it would be like if I made them as agency members..."

It had been an hour, and she finished making one as Dazai (she named it Crabby since it had crab snacks scent). Its appearance was like him, bandages around its tail, brown cover, and eyes. One resembled Kunikida, glasses and color pallete, and all (this one's name is Idealist). Another resembled Ranpo, whose name was Sweet Tooth, Yosano's one was Doctor. Kyouka's was Black Tofu, while Atsushi's was Chazuke. Kenji's was Straw Hat, Tanizaki's one was called Light Snow (she simply ran out of ideas), Fukuzawa's creation was called Dafuku because its cover resembled that kind of sweets.

She even made one resembled Chuuya, which was named Wine (because it had wine scent on it), and one for Akutagawa, Pomegranate. She didn't know what to name Hirotsu's one, so she just called it Camelia. She named Elise's Queen and Mori's Boss (why not?). Lastly, she named Kouyou's Spider Lily and stretched her aching body before letting out a sigh.

"I should really go to sleep." Huffed Silver Wolf to herself.

Silver Wolf stretched her aching body, the glow of the screens casting an even deeper exhaustion on her face. A yawn escaped her lips as she surveyed her digital menagerie. Miniaturized versions of the Armed Detective Agency stared back at her, each with their own quirky name.

Crabby, the Dazai-inspired critter, twitched its tail bandages impatiently, seemingly demanding a snack. Idealist, the Kunikida lookalike, adjusted its pixelated glasses with an air of importance. Sweet Tooth, a miniature Ranpo with a permanent drool animation, bounced around the projection field, its beady eyes fixated on a pixelated lollipop that appeared and disappeared with each tap of Silver Wolf's finger.

A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. Despite the fatigue gnawing at her, a spark of satisfaction ignited within her. These weren't just adorable pixelated figures anymore; they were miniature personalities brimming with potential.

"Maybe I could give them some basic AI," she muttered, a mischievous glint returning to her eye. "Just enough to make them interact with each other... and the environment."

With newfound energy, she dove back into the code. Hours melted away as Silver Wolf programmed basic instincts and reactions for her Critter creations.

But a strange sense of accomplishment crackled in the air. Twelve miniature Critters, each with their own quirky name, now populated a digital habitat within Critter Pick. Crabby (Dazai's miniature counterpart) munched on a virtual crab leg with a mischievous glint in his pixelated eyes. Idealist (Kunikida's mini-me) meticulously arranged virtual books on a pixelated bookshelf. The others, Sweet Tooth (Ranpo), Doctor (Yosano), Black Tofu (Kyouka), Rice Ball (Atsushi), Straw Hat (Kenji), Light Snow (Tanizaki), Dafuku (Fukuzawa), Wine (Chuuya), Pomegranate (Akutagawa), Camelia (Hirotsu), Queen (Elise), Boss (Mori), and Spider Lily (Kouyou) all frolicked in their miniature world.

A grin tugged at Silver Wolf's lips. These weren't just adorable figures. Each critter, imbued with a sliver of their namesake's personality, interacted in ways that mirrored the real Agency members. Crabby, true to Dazai's form, spent most of his time lounging around, occasionally attempting (and failing) to launch Idealist into orbit with a slingshot made of virtual rubber bands. Sweet Tooth, naturally, spent his time glued to a virtual candy dispenser, while Doctor fussed over him, trying to enforce a pixelated "healthy snack" schedule.

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