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   It had been hours since the undercover mission with Dazai. She shutted down her laptop and let out a satisfied sigh, Ranpo was still munching on candies and sweets as Dazai laid on the couch, humming his suicide song. Honestly, Silver Wolf thinks that she's the only one who is going to work here.

Silver Wolf glanced around the room, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and amusement. Ranpo's sweet tooth seemed insatiable, his attention still fixated on the colorful wrappers strewn across the table. Meanwhile, Dazai's humming provided an odd background melody to the otherwise quiet atmosphere.

Letting out another sigh, she pulled out her game console, opened up her digital screen, and placed her glasses over her eyes. The sounds of the digital screen perked up Dazai's interest. She linked the console to the screen and then, a title of a game, started to load.

'Dark Knight's Adventure: II'

"Let's get started." She smirked and thought to herself as the screen began to load.

"Hey! You can't just play that by yourself and not let me too!" Ranpo objected with a frustrated huff from afar.

Silver Wolf glanced over her shoulder at Ranpo, who had finally torn his attention away from the candy wrappers and was now eyeing her game console with interest.

"Sorry, Ranpo, this is a solo adventure," she replied with a teasing grin, knowing full well that her friend would find a way to join in regardless.

Ranpo's eyes lit up with mischief as he quickly crossed the room and plopped down beside her, ignoring her protests. "Who said anything about asking for permission?" he quipped, reaching for a controller.

Before Silver Wolf could protest further, Dazai chimed in from the couch, his curiosity piqued. "A game, you say? Mind if I join as well?"

Silver Wolf rolled her eyes, knowing that resistance was futile when it came to her colleagues. "Fine, but no complaining when you can't keep up," she warned, passing controllers to both Ranpo and Dazai.

"The game is simple. It's like an adventure fantasy game where you controlled the main character, which is you, and blah blah blah fight the end boss and got the treasures and stuff like that." She rolled her eyes while explaining the rules. Pressing a button on the digital screen unfolding before their eyes, the screen began to grow until it was as big as a whiteboard.

"Is there a chance for my character to fake their own death?" Dazai chimed in with a mischievous grin.

"No, in your dreams."

Silver Wolf shot Dazai a playful glare before turning her attention back to the game. As the screen expanded, filling the room with the vibrant colors of the virtual world, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her.

Ranpo, his eyes gleaming with anticipation, wasted no time diving into the game's mechanics. "Ah, the thrill of exploration! I can already sense a mystery waiting to be unraveled."

Dazai, lounging on the couch with his controller in hand, grinned lazily. "I'm just here for the drama. Maybe I'll even fake my own death in the game. It'll be a real cliffhanger."

Silver Wolf chuckled at Dazai's comment. "You never cease to surprise me with your dramatic flair, Dazai."

Dazai grinned back, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "What can I say? Life is too short for boring adventures."

Meanwhile, Ranpo was already engrossed in the game, his sharp mind dissecting every puzzle and challenge they encountered. "I must say, this game is quite clever. I wouldn't be surprised if the developers were inspired by some of my own cases."

Silver Wolf rolled her eyes playfully. "Of course, Ranpo. I'm sure they couldn't resist the allure of your deductive prowess."

Echoes of laughter filled the room as the trio continued to play. They cleared the game with ease, considering that they're all so smart. It was stopped when Kunikida abruptly stormed into the office and yelled at her to shut the whole thing down and do their work.

She rolled her eyes the whole time Kunikida lectured them on the importance of schedules (huh?) and complained how they've ruined his perfect schedule for the day (he should really get lost with those stuffs).

"Oh, come on, it's just a bit of fun." Silver Wolf rolled her eyes for the 'n' times, "Besides -"


"Ugh, you might want to check the files, man." She tried not to laugh, knowing exactly what would happen next as she exchanged knowing glances with Dazai and Ranpo.

Kunikida's face turned a deep shade of red, a mixture of frustration and embarrassment crossing his features as he hastily checked the files Silver Wolf had mentioned.

To his astonishment, everything was in order.

"Well, I..." Kunikida stuttered, clearly flustered by the unexpected turn of events. "I mean, you should have been doing your work instead of playing games!"

Silver Wolf couldn't resist a smug grin as she leaned back in her chair. "Looks like we managed to finish our work ahead of schedule, Kunikida. Maybe you should join us next time for some stress relief."

Dazai, ever the instigator, chimed in with a mischievous smirk. "Yes, Kunikida, I'm sure your impeccable organizational skills would be a welcome addition to our gaming party."

Ranpo, his face lighting up with amusement, added, "And who knows, maybe you'll even enjoy it more than you think!"

Kunikida sputtered incoherently for a moment, clearly torn between his dedication to duty and the allure of joining in on the fun. Finally, he let out a resigned sigh, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

And that's how Atsushi and the others found them. For the first time, they saw Kunikida playing video games, and the President didn't believe it at first.

Atsushi and the others stood in the doorway, their expressions a mix of surprise and amusement as they took in the sight before them. Kunikida, the embodiment of order and discipline, sitting among his colleagues, controller in hand, immersed in a virtual adventure.

The President's disbelief was palpable as he stepped forward, his eyes widening in astonishment. "Kunikida, what on earth are you doing?"

Kunikida glanced up, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he reluctantly admitted, "We were... taking a break. From work."

Atsushi blinked in confusion, his gaze shifting between Kunikida and the others. "Playing video games?"

Silver Wolf grinned, unable to resist teasing her colleague. "Yes, Kunikida thought it would be a good idea to join in on the fun. Turns out, he's not too bad at it."

Kunikida cleared his throat, his expression a mixture of resignation and defiance. "I simply wanted to ensure that everything was proceeding according to plan."

Atsushi exchanged a bewildered glance with the others, unsure of how to respond to Kunikida's unexpected admission. But before he could say anything, the President let out a resigned sigh, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well, as long as the work is done," he muttered, clearly at a loss for words.

And with that, the matter was settled. Kunikida, having learned his lesson, returned to his duties with renewed focus, while Silver Wolf and the others resumed their gaming adventure with a newfound sense of camaraderie.

From that day forward, Kunikida was more cautious about interrupting their breaks, knowing that Silver Wolf's unorthodox methods could yield surprising results.

Lesson learned: Never mess with Silver Wolf when she's playing games.

(Undercover mission idea: @Asleep_Or_Online )

(Video game idea: @PuteriAddiniMaryamMo)

(Thanks for the help, any new ideas? :)))

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