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584 24 1

Skipping work for the first time sounded great to Silver Wolf. All she did was call Kunikida fake being sick, and that's it.

"I have a fever. Can I have a day off?"


Now chilling in a cafe with a cookie blender as her drink and a tiramisu as her snack, she enjoyed playing on her brand new game console (her sixth of the month).

"Skipping work is the best."

A few hours later, she paid for her food and left the cafe, walking down the bustling, busy shopping streets. Slipping through the cross was easy for her, considering she's slim and was only...4'11'' tall. Silver Wolf wandered around, thinking, her mind flashed back to her past, or rather her present life, a few weeks ago... both are correct, and she was even surprised in how the same they are.

She stood at the top of the tallest building in the Rainbow City, from which she could see her birthplace.
A fast food restaurant with only one employee, a basement turned into an arcade hall, several old arcade machines — this was her childhood.

She remembered liking the game of Pong — two lines and a dot of light, the simplest of ball games. She could play it for a whole day.
Just like how right now the crimson lights of the hoard of drones filled the night sky in crisscrossed line. Wave by wave they swarmed her, and wave by wave they fell.

She remembered liking Battle Wheel 32 — eight blocks of different colors on a matrix-drawn sky. There was only one rule: Win, no matter what.
Just like how right now distinct colors split the internet into eight regions, and people from all kinds of organizations gather in the square for a singular goal — to capture Silver Wolf, no matter the cost.

She remembered liking Geometric Wars, liking Odysseus, liking Star Cheetah. The score records on these games were filled with insurmountable, astronomical numbers.
Just like how right now— Wait, no, only this is somewhat different...
"Insurmountable." Hah, what's that?

She stood at the top of the tallest building in the Rainbow City, from which she could see her birthplace.
She has climbed too high for another person to stand beside her.
However, she looked up even higher than before. She can see the starry skies within reach of her hands, but yet so impossibly far.

"So boring."
The game called Rainbow City ended that day.

Buying in her mind, losing in her thoughts, remembering old Rainbow City, she bumped into someone.

"Oi! Watch where you're going, kiddo!"

Wait, this voice...this familiar.

"Oh...Puss in Boots."

Looking up, she met that person's gaze. Blue ocean eyes, ginger hair, short for his age, that arrogant and brat-like attitude. Port Mafia Excutive, Nakahara Chuuya scolded and crossed his arms, glaring at her (maybe?)

"So, you're back." After a short silence, the ginger spoke up, "What have you've been doing all those years, brat?"

Silver Wolf couldn't help but smirk at Nakahara Chuuya's familiar scolding tone, a rush of nostalgia washing over her as she met his gaze. Despite the years that had passed since they last crossed paths, his presence still managed to evoke a sense of familiarity and camaraderie within her.

"Ah, you know, just the usual," she replied casually, her tone tinged with amusement. "Skipping work, playing games, causing trouble wherever I go."

Chuuya arched an eyebrow at her response, a hint of exasperation flickering in his eyes. "Some things never change, huh? Always the troublemaker."

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