A Lesson in Anger and Love

Comenzar desde el principio

Garmadon: How can you be doing it so wrong? (Lloyd gets up.) The Oni Form comes from within! You must embrace all your emotions, your anger and frustration, and then release it!

(Lloyd first does Spinjitzu and then acrobatics across the cave, Garmadon walks to him and kicks his leg to the ground.)

Garmadon: No, no! You're doing it with your body, but not with your mind!

Lloyd: With my mind?

Garmadon: Yes! With the connection between your mind and soul! The inside of your personal reality! You must find it, feel it, and crush it! Only when you have conquered your inner form, can you control your outer form! Now try again! Assume your Oni stance, and spin! (Lloyd does so.) Somehow that was more terrible. How are you not getting this? It's so simple!

Jay: Simmer down, "Master" Garmadon. He's doing exactly what you said!

Cole: You keep changing the rules, saying different stuff!

Kai: I don't think he has any clue how to achieve Oni Form.

Garmadon: Wrong! You must give up control, and give in to your rage! Then channel it through your face!

Zane: Are you sure this is wise, Master Wu? This seems contrary to all your teachings.

Nya: Yeah, I — I don't remember "channeling rage through my face".

Garmadon: All things have an opposite. If you wish to achieve Oni Form, you must do the opposite of what you have been taught.

Wu: What did you say?

Garmadon: I said, if he wishes to achieve—

Wu: No, not that. You said all things have an opposite. And you are correct.

Morro: About what?

Wu: If there is an all powerful Oni Form on one side of the spectrum, perhaps there is an all powerful Dragon Form on the other. Misako is still at the library in Domu. Perhaps she can help us with this research. P.I.X.A.L., I could use your help to reach her. (P.I.X.A.L and Wu runs out of the Samurai X cave.)

Garmadon: Good! Go! Maybe we'll get somewhere when the backseat drivers are gone. Back to work! And remember, you must unleash your anger! Channel it! (Lloyd sighs.)

(On the news, Gayle Gossip is reporting from the city.)

Gayle: The moment we've all feared is here. The unidentified floating crystal structure has reached downtown. And it has brought with it a crystal army. (She watches the Vengestone Guards crystalize a citizen.) Vinny, did you get that? It appears the crystals spread by infecting others! Wait. I've just been told Mayor Trustable is issuing a statement. We're going live to City Hall.

Ulysses: (To Dwayne) ... can you please make sure my car is ready for me to evacuate the city as quickly as — what? Right now? We—we're live? Oh, um ... please, please! Citizens of Ninjago City, stay calm! This is no cause for panic.

Reporter #1: What about the crystal army marching through the city?

Andrea Thomson: And the floating island of doom hovering above us?

Ulysses: (He chuckles.) You think your fearless mayor doesn't have a backup plan? Law and order will be restored any moment.

(Behind Vengestone Guards, the New Ninja appear.)

Teal Ninja: Wherever there are criminals! Wherever there are convicts! Wherever there are felons! You will find ... the New Ninja! Ninja, charge! (They tackle the guards, but are quickly defeated.) Backflip! How the heck did you all get — oh. (The other New Ninja crystalize him.)

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