Another Talk

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Calli pov: I made sure Clara and Kobo were safe and then I froze over the way towards the action since no one should go over there right now

"Calli?" Reine questions

"Yeah?" I ask

"What are you doing?" Ollie asks

"I am making sure you all are safe... Bae definitely isn't but Clara and Kobo are my priority..."

I approached the two girls getting glared at by Reine. I couldn't tell if she was sizing me up or was giving me a reassuring glance, but it gave me chills as I walked up and held onto Kiara.

Ollie went up to Reine, clutching her hand,
"Reine, let's kiss!" She happily stated Reine pushed her away, glaring at me.

"I want to talk to you, Calli," she stated.

"Reine, what are you trying to do?" Kiara asked. Reine just shrugged, not replying to Kiara verbally.

She grabbed me by the arm, dragging me away from the others. Reine looked around to see if we were being followed, she began to talk to me.

"Are you sure you are ready to face Kiara?" Reine asked. I was thrown aback by that question but answered to the best of my ability.

I said, "Yes I am because I love her." I said. She just gazed at me, not believing in my answer.

"Are you saying this because you mean it or because getting with Kiara is convenient for you?" she asked.

I never gave it much thought. I remembered my father wanted me to get married around the time of my departure from Kiara and nobody wanted to wed me other than her. All the suitors Papa Mori found for me were all just plain and boring. Mama Mori and my sisters didn't like them either.

"Never once have I thought about using Kiara for personal gain." I boldy stated Reine had a slight smile, but she wasn't fully ready to trust me.

"Why did you change your mind about Kiara?" Reine questioned I wondered that myself.

"Kiara is too special to me. I cared about her. I thought of her as a friend, nothing more, but jealousy got the best of me. I guess I wanted to make her happy, and I was upset when Kiara told me she found a family and a place to call home, even though that's what I always wanted. " I told Reine.

"Calli, it's okay to be jealous, but you certainly did hurt Kiara with your harsh words." Reine sighed. I looked down, ashamed of myself.

"I'm aware of my sins, but that's why I want to make things better for her!" I stated I wanted to muster up as much happiness within Kiara as possible.

"If I do anything that you don't like, feel free to kick my ass," I told Reine.

"You are that serious about loving Kiara, huh?" She said

I nodded. I was intending to see this through and meet Kiara at the alter one day. I really wanted her to make it up to her. If I couldn't, then I would let the gods punish me for my failures.

"Calli, I will entrust you with my sister. Please treat her well!" Reine said, bowing.

"Don't be so formal, Reine!" I said panickedly, since we were soon to be family.

I didn't want her to treat me like I was some sort of royalty because I am just a girl aspiring to become a Grim Reaper and Kiara's wife was

"Calli, I want to see how devoted you are to Kiara." Reine said, "Tell Kiara what you love about her." She said, making me blush.

"W-what?" I shouted in shock. I didn't want to confess what I loved about her; it was too embarrassing. Kiara would see the vulnerable side of me, the part of me I didn't want her to see.

"If you don't, I won't accept your love." Reine teasingly stated, with a sly look in her eyes.

"You bitch!" I shouted, getting a laugh from her.

"Come on, Calli, can't you confess your undying love to your soon-to-be wife?" She teased I glared at her.

"How about you do that with Ollie?" I shouted

"Touchè," she said, getting a good laugh from our back and forth.

She seriously was going to make me do this. I would be so embarrassed that I probably wouldn't want Kiara to see me again. Everyone knows I have trouble confessing my feelings and sounding rude when I don't actually mean to be.

"Do you love Kiara, though?" She asked, glaring at me with her sly smile.

"Of course I don't, idiot!" I yelled. She laughed again.

"You're such a tsundere," she giggled. I quickly denied that I didn't want to be known as the tsundere of the group.

"I am not a fucking tsundere!" I shouted in anger. She just rolled her eyes.
"Sure you aren't, anyway. Let's go back to the others," Reine said.

We walked back and I got nervous. I definitely wasn't joking when she told me I was going to have to say my feelings to Kiara about what I liked about her. I had a whole list of things I loved about her.

"Calli, welcome back I was just talking to Ollie about you!" My beautiful girlfriend said running up to me.

I shook my head, realizing all I could think about now was how Kiara Reine looked back at me, winking, sending shivers down my spine.

"What did you two talk about?" Ollie asked.

"Nothing..." I told her to ignore all her followup questions.

I saw Kiara talking to Reine. Naturally, they were family, so they would talk to each other, but they were glaring at me the whole time they were talking to each other.

Amelia Gura and Ina snuck up behind me, tapping me ever so slightly, but it made me jump since I was on edge wondering how and when I was going to confess what I loved about Kiara.

"Are you okay?" Ina asked. I nodded rapidly, but that just made them know something was up.

"It's obviously about Kiara. She has to confess something." Ame said, "My eyes widened." I didn't get how she sleuthed me out so fast. It was as if she heard the conversation I had with Reine.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure the confession will come naturally." Ame said as the three walked away.

I wasn't so sure about that because I would have to start a conversation. Usually she begins to talk and I follow along.

Whenever I start a conversation, she carries it, but for this I needed her undivided attention.

I had no idea what to do.

"Calli why didn't you block the exit!?" Ollie asks

"Becsuse I'm smart...." I told Ollie

Reine stared at me and sighed sharply "Calli I trust you but if anything happens to Kiara I'm going to hit you...." She told me

"That's fair..." I mumble

Although Kiara can hold her own.

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