Wiped Out

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Haachama pov:"Coco-chan!" I yelled

The dragon girl was knocked unconscious by Suisei for accidentally hitting her earlier.

"Chloe, back me up!" Lui yelled

"Got it!" Sakamata said.

"Should I fight?" Iroha asked

"Do as you please, darling." Koyori said

Sakamata and Lui rushed me from both sides, trying to look in all directions and see what the hell was happening.

I caught Sakamata's punch but was knocked back by the extreme force. I landed in the water and sank somehow. "Wha-" My lungs were immediately filled with water, but since I don't need to breathe, I'm fine.

Sakamata dove into the water and swam at me. Her punch hit me, and it felt like a train slammed into me at max speed. I was sent hurdling down into the water, hitting the floor.

"Shit," I say as I feel my lungs burst from the water, but they soon heal up, and I try to swim to the surface.

"How are you still?" Sakamata was distracted, so I used that time to shoot out the water. I became airborne, immediately being met by Lui and Iroha.

"I don't need your help!" Lui said

"Well, this is for Koyo!" Iroha replied

Iroha and Lui slashed their blades down, slicing into me and sending me back into the water, where Sakamata began to punch me over and over.

After one punch, she circled around and hit me once again. This continued over and over. "Chloe!" Lui screamed as she dove into the water. Since she is a hawk, she is fast, and she sliced me before she flew back to the surface.

"That's right, we're Holox! You can't beat us, Senpai!" Sakamata yelled

"You... I can't let you win!" I shout

I grabbed onto her and somehow managed to suplex her despite the fact that we were under water. My body was strained due to the pressure change, but since my body is different, it had no effect on me.

"Good attack!" She said as she reversed and slammed my head into the ground, plucking me like a vegetable a moment later and then throwing me out of the water at full force. I was hit by whiplash; my body couldn't acclimate in time, and Iroha swung her blade, hitting me back with air pressure.

Lui-nee kicked me in the face and sent me hurdling towards Koyori, but before I hit her, Iroha got in the way, slicing my arm off. "No senpai..." She growled

I tried to stand up but couldn't since I was missing an arm, and instinctually I went to use it to stand.

"You can't win..." Lui-nee said as she sent feathers my way, and they all stabbed into me, but since I don't feel pain like normal, I managed to swallow the pain and stand up.

"My arm!" I shout

I lunged for it, but Laplus Darknesses showed up and kicked my arm away. I glared at her. "You are making my girls late!" She yelled

"Shut up!" I spat

I punched her in the face with the arm I do have, and she was sent flying, crashing into Sui-chan and then a telephone pole.

"Oww..." Laplus groaned.

Sui-chan walked over to her room and swung her axe, stopping before she hit him, though she just paralyzed her and knocked her out. "Now then..." She sighed

Sui-chan launched at me as I reattached my arm. I rolled out of the way and took a deep breath. Before the next attack, I didn't have time to breathe.

As I was launched by Sui-chan's attack, Lui hit me from behind, back into the water, where Sakamata pulled me back down. This is annoying.

"Enough!" I screamed

I blasted my way out of the water and landed on the ground, glaring at Takene Lui and asking, "Are you ready to lose?" She asked

"Are you ready to burn!?" I ask

Lui flew past me and sliced me in half. My upper body flew up, and I caught myself in a handstand, lunging back to my body.

"You really are annoying..." I spit

Lui laughed. "Ditto," I tell her.

I laugh at her. "Let's end this." I say

Our battles continued, and eventually I was on the ground, bleeding out a bunch. "Ughhhh." I groan.

"You're under arrest..." Lui-nee said

How did I lose this battle?

"Lui-nee!" Mumei called out

"Yes Mumei-chan!?" Lui asks

"I'll take her from here..." She said

Koyori stepped forward. "No, I can do!"

Mumei sighed "I can take her..." She said

"No, you can't. Haachama-senpai caused so much turmoil and damage!" Chloe said

Mumei teleported, picking me up quickly. "What would happen if I left?" She asked

"You'd be a criminal." Koyori said

"Will I?" Mumei asked them

All of Holox fell silent all of a sudden.

Mumei walked over to Coco-chan, kicking her into a portal, and the She looked at Sui-chan. "You come for a second!" She said

Sui-chan nodded and went to go into the portal, being followed by the others right after.

"Mumei, sorry, we talked out of line." Koyori sighed

"It's fine," Mumei replied.

She didn't actually seem to care at all; after all, she really isn't the type to be really upset about anything.

"Now then...." Mumei sighed

"What are you doing?" Lui asked

"Can you fund something?" She asked

"Sure, it depends on what..." Koyori said

"I need you to make a dome thing." Mumei requested Holox.

"For what purpose?" Lui asked

"We need to capture people," Mumei said.

"We can make the dome in three minutes," Koyori said.

"Oh really?" Mumei laughed

She seemed really happy that she was getting her dome made. I sat there, questioning what Mumei really wants. I want to get my fight with her, and she doesn't want to fight me until she gets this done.

"Haachama How did you lose?" Mumei asks

"I-huh, how did I lose?" I ask

I don't know how Holox won, but they did, meaning I have to get stronger.

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