The Door

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Shiori pov: "Shior~Rin, we're here!" Rissa yelled as loud as she possibly could. I sighed.

"So much for subtlety..."

"Let's destroy the door then!" Biboo yelled

"....." I stood there silently and zoned out the door in front of me. morphed into something else, another door; it was actually a Rashōmon Gate.

I walked over to the door and placed my hand on it, but was launched back suddenly. "You aren't ready," a shadowy figure said as she jumped down and walked towards me.

"You...You're familiar..." I mention

"Of course I am..." She told me

She reached down and grabbed my bookmark. "Wait, stop, that's..." I felt a sharp pain in my head. My head was burning.

"You have gained so much knowledge..." The woman said with a snap of her fingers that the bookmark vanished, returning to me, "Shiori, you are the rightful owner." She claimed

"Yes, this was a gift." I said

All my words felt choppy. It is odd that I can't remember the exact moment I gained this bookmark. I felt my hair grow whiter from stress, but it reverted back to normal soon enough.

"What do you mean I'm not ready?" I ask

"You'll know soon enough." She claimed

"I'll know..." I muttered

"Shior~Rin!" Rissa yelled


"You zoned out..." Rissa pointed out

"I-Wha...Hold it!" I groan

I felt like I was remembering something, but it was a faint memory. I don't know what the point is...

"Shiori?" Biboo questioned

"Guys, I feel sick..." I groan

"We can head back!" Rissa yelled

"No..." I growl

Yorick became unstable and blew the door in front of us up somehow. The seven of us went to enter, but I stopped and looked at the door, which was the gate once again.

"Stop trying to enter," they said again.

"You-tell me what the hell this is!" I shout

"Don't enter the gate," the woman said.

"What the fuck do you mean!?" I ask Yorick, wrapped around my arm and becoming a blade, "Tell me!" I screamed, lunging at the being and going to slash it, but I passed through it.

" need to stop..."

It sounded like the woman was glitching, but I pushed through, going back to reality and entering the base.

"Shiori?" Fuwawa questioned

I looked around. "Where are the others?"

"They moved on..." Mococo said

I sigh and clutch my head in agony. "Alright, my pupperonies. Let's go." I sigh.

The three of us rushed down the corridor. "Why are you still here?" The woman said

"Gah-Fuck..." I growl

"Shiori!?" FuwaMoco yelled

"Go on without me..." I groan

Fuwawa and Mococo went over and propped me up, helping me walk. "Wha-what is this?" I question

"We're helping you move." Fuwawa said

"You... DON'T HELP ME!"

FuwaMoco stared at me, worried by my sudden tone. I sounded like I was in pain, and for some reason I was denying their help.

"We are a team..." Fuwawa said

"We help each other!" Mococo states

Teams help each other.

Why is it that even though I know what is coming in the future, I can't help but think of them all highly?

"Guys, Advent will go a long way!" I said

Fuwa Moco seemed confused. "Shiori?" They questioned me, as I was oddly sentimental in my thoughts of the future.

A whip blade swung at us, and I caught it with my bare hands and then yanked on it, pulling a man towards us. Yorick became a blade thing on my arm, and as soon as he was in range, I sliced him.

"One down..." I mumble

There was a small creature with him, and it seemed to hijack his body.

"A corrupt beast?" I question

"Bau Bau!" My Pupperonies yell

They swipe upwards, and blue and pink energy shot out, hitting Gavis Bettel and sending him flying back.

"We should move!" They told me

I glared in the direction of Bettel. "Hold it." I told them, and they paused.

I absorbed the knowledge from everywhere nearby. I took a deep breath. "We need to find the others." I explain

Those two were confused, but we decided to push on and go on ahead for this moment.

"We can't let Nerissa do something hasty." I tell them.

"Everything in space represents something: the moon is emotions, Mercury is communication, Venus is values, the earth represents stability and potential, Mars is motivation, Jupiter is expansion, Saturn is responsibilities, Uranus is innovation, Neptune is spirituality, and Pluto is transformation."

There is a clue about this here; they have been looking into this for some reason, which is sort of worrying in a way. After all, why would they need to be looking into the planets and planitoids?

"What is your plan?" Fuwawa asked

"We need to be a bit stealthy," I said.

"We can't do that!" Mococo said

"Damn, I forgot it's you." I sigh

No offense to my Pupperonies, but still, I can't deal with their rowdiness. They need to learn to sit still and shit.

"Bau Bau!!!" They shout

My pupperonies ran a bit ahead, bursting through the walls and making a shortcut.

"This works..." I sigh

I fanged as fast as I could, and then I pulled my Pupperonies back.

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Just sit and listen," I tell them.

They need to understand that we need a plan; we can't just rush in all willy-nilly or we'll be taken out.

What is the purpose of all of this? I can sense the documents. I can feel and see everything.

"What is the incoming thing?" I ask

"What incoming thing?" Fuwawa asked

"They have something planned," I say.

Those Pupperonies were confused, and I cleared my throat. "We have to make a distraction so I can absorb knowledge."

"A distraction. We can do this!" My pupperonies told me as we looked ahead.

Where did Rissa and Biboo go? We have to see if we can find them and then escape.

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