The Three of Them

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Mumei pov: "Why are you so relaxed?" Kronii questioned as she undressed Fauna I looked at the two of them taking a deep breath

"Things will work out..." I comment

"Uuu-can you be so sure?" Fauna asked

I can't be sure however we aren't eleven people anymore we are now sixteen and with Advent things can be different they have to be

"I think you are too soft on Nerissa and Kiara" Kronii said calmly turning on the water right after

"Don't make it too hot!!" Fauna whined

"Make it scalding..." I mention

"Okay I can't ahear to both your requests I love the both of you and want to satisfy you!" Kronii cried out

"You are so funny..." I laugh

I felt the presence of Aradia and Malpha I thought that they were gone but guess not but why the hell are they still here right now?

"What is going on?" Fauna asked

"Nerissa's sisters are still here..." I mention

"Oh why?" Kronii asked

"Uhh... well I don't know" I told them

Maybe they are here for Nerissa she is their sister after all but what is the point of that?

"How do I look?" Fauna asked

"Very cute... and naked" I mention

"Why are we like this?" Kronii asked

The real question is why are the three of us so into eachother that is the real question "I'm glad things are somewhat normal" Kronii said somewhat aggressively

"I told you already we wanted Advent out of jail and I also wanted Reine to suffer less that is pretty much all that we changed!" I claimed Kronii gave me a glance that said it all she knew that wasn't true at all

There are some things that I changed that didn't need to be changed such as how some things work but still that doesn't matter

"Mumei don't get too close to Nerissa..." Fauna told me

I looked at Fauna dumbfounded she and Kronii see Nerissa as a threat to their relationship with me I would never have thought that she was a threat

"Mumei have you come into contact with your friend yet?" Kronii suddenly said

"Huh... yeah!" I said

She did say she wouldn't be the same though I honestly don't know how she switched who she was entirely but I'm not complaining

"Sooo.... Are we going to talk about your abs?" I ask as I trace Kronii's body she shivered and I giggled

"You are really sexy" Kronii said before hugging her from behind the water was so hot it created steam

"Hot water will make me go bald!" Fauna said

"Deal with it!" I shout

"What are you doing?" Kronii asked

I turned the water down so Fauna would be comfortable getting into the water

"Awww Mumei you really do care!" Fauna giggled in a cutesy manner I glared at her and shut her up in an instant I won't take that slander at all...

"Soo... let's get in" I sigh as I step into the shower and felt the water pour down my head

"I have a strange feeling that we have more enemies all of a sudden." Kronii claimed

"Didn't Irys detail us in on masked assailants, and since we just reset the timeline, we didn't get rid of them; we didn't even fully erase Omega; they're still part of me." I comment

"That's fine!" Kronii claimed

We can deal with ½ of Omegaα; we aren't like we were back then; we are actually stronger now; and ½ of God isn't enough to beat us; we are too strong.

Then again, they all still struggled, so who knows at this point?

"We have bigger matters to attend to."

"What Mumei?" Fauna and Kronii ask

"Lui-nee, Koyori, Iroha, Chloe, and Laplus somehow remember and are still in charge of the world." I said

"Wait, but we reset," Kronii said.

"That's why it's weird we should be starting at zero; the past few days shouldn't have mattered, but that's the thing we didn't all reset to zero, and that was partially my intention, but I didn't think that Holox would retain memory." I claim

"Well, Koyori is smart; do you think she maybe has an anti-time base?" Fauna asks

An anti-time base sounds stupid on paper, but in practice, it is smart because she has accounted for anything that would possibly make herself lose her memories of being in power.

"Also, Suisei-senpai, Azki-senpai, Sora-senpai, Miko-senpai, and Roboco-senpai, where did they go?" Kronii questioned

That is also true. Suisei-senpai is one of our "servents," and she hasn't spent a lot of time here. We kind of have retired the whole servant thing, though now that Advent is here to work under us.

"Haachama will deal with those five; she wants a good fight anyway, and who am I to tell her not to fight? I owe her anyway for helping me trap Advent in the boundary until the reset."

"Speaking of, what did Shiori find?" Fauna asked me as she began to fondle me from behind, playfully.

"Shiori wanted to find out the meaning of existence, and inside the boundary, you were able to figure that out, but she did find something, but I don't know if I should really say it. You can ask her if you want to know!" I said

Fauna and Kronii looked at me like I said something odd, and I realized that I have never really outsourced them before, but this time it may be needed.

"Look, you two, I can tell you, but you must promise not to tell Shiori anything I say!"

"Oh why?" Fauna asks

"She isn't ready for the knowledge; she is a learner, but still, she isn't at the top of the food chain. She is only someone who works with Council, and I promise she isn't in our group, and she must understand she needs to learn on her own!" I say

It's tough love, but it's needed for the betterment of her knowledge.

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