Smooth Brain Rat

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Shiori pov: "Bae-senpai goodbye..." I say

I ran past her and slashed her with my scissors "Gah—Iori..." She coughed

"What?" I ask

"What is wrong with you!?" Bae asked

"You don't know what I have seen you don't understand the things I have rat if you did you would know why I have to do this why I have to make sure I can fulfill Mooms wish..."

"Mumei's wish? Shiori you can't just decide that you are going to follow her wishes you are your own person you know!" Bae-senpai tells me

"Of course, and that is why things have to be like this I understand the danger we all are in Bae-senpai..." I claim

"Shiori you are going down a dark path!" Bae-senpai pointed out

"Maybe so... but it has to be done you don't understand everything that may or may not known how the world works that is fine..." I say

"Then tell me how the world works!" Bae-senpai shouted

"Fine I will tell you what I told your wife..." I comment

"On the day you descended and awakened, the gods had only just begun the world's construction." I began

"The shaping of concepts had just started. The boundary is the blueprint for their initial vision." I added

"As you already know, they created space, but as you can see, the boundary itself is space, and it is nothing more than textures and principles, nothing more than disorder, so they needed to add more."

I closed my eyes and then reopened them, showing my princess Senpai that they could become flashlights, and then I lit up the area, revealing some sort of odd plant.

"The Gods created nature to bind the textures of space, but nature was merely an existence; nothing really came of

"Hence, the Gods created time to orchestrate growth. Evolution was created; lifeforms thirsted for power, so knowledge was bestowed upon all of us." I claim

"Scilicet Civilization was born; however, the gods didn't create civilization, and so disorder began, corruption began to form, and nature began to lose Time began to dominate everything with an iron fist, and Space and Time went to war as well, and as soon as this happened, the gods gave chaos power, a concept that had existed since the Genesis, preluding even the gods."

"Heaven and Hell... those realms were made because of the need to weigh souls; the overabundance of souls without a place to go made The gods work too much, so they need a way to judge people and places for people to go so there won't be an overflow."

"That's why they were made?" I ask

"Correct, and in history, there should be no conceivable way that the two realms could ever get along. However, when hope was conceived, sin was also conceived, as the body Hope represents is a sin as she is the child of an angel and a devil, a Nephilim, a creature that should not and cannot exist. The Ying Yang of the universe shifted despite there being another Nephilim before her; she didn't embody a perfect mix so she could be towards one side of the spectrum more and considered as such."

"Are the planets a product of space or nature? Why were they created? What purpose do they serve?" I ask

"Everything in space represents something: the moon is emotions, Mercury is communication, Venus is values, the earth represents stability and potential, Mars is motivation, Jupiter is expansion, Saturn is responsibilities, Uranus is innovation, Neptune is spirituality, and Pluto is transformation." I explain

"This is just nonsense!" Bae shouted

"It is in The God's Knowledge that I tapped into what they know, so are you telling me The Gods have faux memories? They must have a piece of the true history of the world; otherwise, what are there overseers for? Think about it. If this were all false, then why would the gods feel so threatened by me that they would lock me away? I know too much about what happened in The Void. I know too much about the creation of things and how they intend things to be." I said

"All sixteen of us are bound by destiny no matter what paths we take, no matter what, we are all destined to come together, and in the future, more allies will come or more enemies."

It seems that everyone that ends up being close with Mumei-senpai has some sort of importance near the end of all of this; however, there are people that I'm not really sure where they stand in all of this. Where do they lie on the spectrum? What is the battle? What are we going to do as of now? What is the finale to history?"

"You are lucky I memorized that whole speech because if I wasn't me that information would be lost to time so you're welcome..."

"Hold it I want new information!" Bae-senpai shouted

"Fine... think about this Death why has it lost its luster in recent time? Why isn't Calli as strong as she possibly can be?" I ask

"Because of Kiara?" Bae questions

"Fair guess... or maybe it is because Chaos has lost her power over things maybe it is because Chaos is stupid and lost all her knowledge because she fell in love with a worthless princess who is very beautiful by the way..." I say

"What are you on about!?" Bae angrily asks

"Bae-senpai this is where we part ways fortunately or unfortunately whatever just so you know I'll be back for my princess..." I tell her with a laugh

She looked at me dumbfounded since she didn't know why I said that.

Without warning there was an explosion as Haachama-senpai stared her battle against Suisei-senpai so I just have to leave I don't want her to learn too much after all since a rat shouldn't know all the secrets...

She's a rat after all and that is a double entendre of sorts.

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