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Four long days have passed....

It has been four days since Zidane had dropped me off at my mom's house and left to go God knows where.

I was worried sick about him and I couldn't even contact him. He said he was going to get a new phone for me since the one that I had was bugged...I could have gotten one for myself but somehow I now have a restraining order to not go outside.

This seems to be really serious and I haven't wished so badly to be back at Canada more than now.

I had just woken up about two hours ago and was scrolling on tiktok sitting around the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal.

My mom had gone to visit my aunt and Jerome had gone off to work so I was home alone.

I was washing up my plate when I heard someone knocking at the door.

My heart jumped for awhile but when I checked the camera I saw that it was only Shane.

I dried my hands and went to open the door.

"Good morning stranger,"he said with a broad smile.

"Buenos diaz,"i replied grinning as I closed the door.

"What you been up to these days,"he said following me back into the kitchen.

"Nothing much....other than having to be trapped in this house,"i said rolling my eyes.


"Remember when I told you I almost got raped in highschool well Ziddy's brother was the one that almost did that and he somehow escaped prison so I am not safe to be seen outside," I said.

"That's crazy...and after that you still stick with Ziddy,"he said.

"Yeah...its not his fault why any of that happened to me and he is by far the main person trying to keep me safe right now,"

"I wouldn't say that..."he mumbled.

"What do you mean?"i asked.

"Well they're brothers...there genes don't fall far...why do you think he will choose you over his brother,"he said and I frowned.

"He has done that before and I don't think he'll switch up now....trust me I know him,"i said.

"Do you know me?"he asked and I laughed.

"What's your problem...of course I know you...would you choose me over your brother if he was a rapist?"I asked.

"Of course I would but I'm me and he's something else,"he said.

"You don't have to worry I'll be fine,"i said.

He said he was going to spend the day with me so we decided to watch a movie so we went into the living room and turned on the television.

We were watching Xo Kitty and having been my first time watching it I was super interested. Some of the scenes in the movie made me miss Ziddy even more and I was getting so sad.

💭|where's Mr Man at bro

He was getting me worried as hell was he dead or something because the same day we left litlle ochi there was a shoot out there and I'm certain he's gone back to war with them.

The stress of having a gun man...*sigh*

“You want something to eat?”Shane asked.

It was around 12:30 right now and I haven't realised how hungry I was until he asked.

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