May 13th, 6046

Combing his hair into place, Liam adjusted his tie attempting to even his breathing through his oozing nerves.

"It reeks of submissive in the morning," William jokes running a hand through his own hair with a passing glance to Liam, "Feeling like a winner?"

"M-more so th-the opposite," Liam confesses, he forces a cough trying to clear his throat as his cracking voice, wincing at the pain it brought on instead.

The older one nods collecting two of his duffle bags from the floor tearing through one. He rummages through until he finally steps back having pulled out a silver flask with a blue box, shoving the lid off he dumps the three white pills into his hand, "Want one?"

"No-no thank you," Liam whispers, his eyes flickering from the sloshing liquid in the flask to the pills in William's hand, "Wh-what are those?"

"They're my pills, t-they make me happy," he remarks tilting his head back with a dry chuckle, he brings the flask toward his lips, some spilling from the corners of his mouth before he drops all three pills in before swallowing.

Sighing when done, he returns his stare to Liam, "Fuck Liam!" William snarls tossing his empty flask aside, he kicks the nightstand cursing further, "I was signed for!" he roars, "I-I fucking had it all! Th-the rich bastard fucking signed me," The younger one stands pressed against the wall with tears in his eyes as he watches the scene unfold. 

William is glaring at him with tears in his stormy scowl, he scoffs bending down to retrieve his flask, "Di-did t-they sa-say why th-the owner r-revoked?" Liam whimpers, he had the fear Harry would revoke his signature for the first year during skip school, by the second it would be a lie to say Liam didn't have his days where he wished Harry would.

The older one nods returning the twisted cap to the flask, he sniffles placing it back in his bag wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, "S-said no master w-would tolerate a level nine submissive," he looks up with a chuckle, "Said-said I-I'm practically a-a dominate at that point," in his own disbelief to the words the counselor had told him that morning when the possible master had finally decided to revoke his initial signature, William chews the inside of his cheeks gripping the iron footboard so intensely his knuckles turned white.

"So-so they suggested I take some pills, t-to help with my ability to submit," he mutters meeting Liam's pity stare, "I-I'm a-a broken submissive, Liam. D-don't be like me," William lets the bed go heading to the door, he pauses glancing over his shoulder at the younger one, "B-be a good submissive,"

Worried he hadn't seen William since he'd stormed out of their room, Liam chews his bottom lip fidgeting with his hands as he's pushed toward the lineup of graduation.

"Keep it moving," one of the teachers calls clapping her hands for attention, "Has anyone seen William Keepner? William Keepner?" She repeats, Liam, forcing his head down diverting attention away from him as he shuffles closer to the person in front of him in line.

He hears the voices in the hallway rise in alarm when the sound of a shrill bell sounds, some level three submissives beginning to cry from the intrusion of noise, the soothing shushes from the teachers ring around the halls.

"When the person in front of you is called, you'll go to the X on stage and wait for the Official to say your name before moving to the next X in the middle of the stage. Shake his hand, and pose for your picture. This is not the time to look for your owner or family in the crowd-" The woman's voice drones on, Liam's tuning her out as he feels his heartbeat rising, the ache in his heels at the dress shoes he's tied to tightly in fear of them coming undone and him tripping on stage.

He reaches a shaky hand to his hair with another sigh feeling it in place.

Remaining stoic until three people in front of him were called, Liam shivered adjusting his suit jacket. He glances behind him seeing a girl he knew from one of his classes, "Good luck," she mumbled offering him a small smile, "T-thank you," Liam barely managed to whisper.

Bridget Page steps forward at the sound of her name, she rolls her eyes hearing the panicked breathing of the clear - what she deemed - level four behind her, "Liam stop breathing so loud," she scolds fluffing her hair before stepping onto the stage heading toward the middle X.

Liam stares down at his brown shoes, somehow they manage to walk to the first X right behind the curtain. He can see bits of the crowd from his spot, keeping his eyes focused on the floor beneath him, he jumps when his own name is called.

Forcing his right foot first, Liam takes a timid step toward the official on stage, he knows he has to make it to the next X. The girl behind him offers him a small shove, Liam recovering so he doesn't fall on his face, he snaps his head up meeting the waiting eyes of the official, "Congratulations," he extends his hand to the submissive, Liam gulps with a daring glance to the crowd he thought he'd be able to spot his family quickly hoping that might calm him down.

Instead, all Liam sees in return is a sea of faces he doesn't recognize, he flinches when his hand is grabbed, he's pulled to the X in the middle of the stage, "Kendall Price," 

A teacher stands off stage behind the curtain ushering the submissive to their seats once they've walked across the stage, "C'mon," he urges to Liam, the submissive extends his hand to him offering one final look at the crowd from his spot. 

Taking his seat Liam keeps his head forward mindlessly watching the graduation continue. He knew within the hour he'd be in his owner's arms never having to suffer through this again. Liam smiled at the thought of never being alone again, as even now surrounded by people he felt two feet tall and completely alone.

The submissive hopes his family showed as well, he wanted to see his sisters again and hug his mother. Liam figured his father probably came for this as well, after all, he couldn't possibly have meant he wouldn't see the boy ever again, he was just mad. 

Buzzing with anticipation Liam smiled at the announcement that the graduation had concluded, "Thank you all for coming today, signed submissives are encouraged to find their masters first before their family, and unsigned submissives are allowed to find their family. For level eight and below please remember the 24-hour reporting policy-" The submissive turns from the woman watching the crowd bustle around each other.

Knowing trying to find his mother would be near impossible, Liam squeezed through as many people as he could until finally he spotted a chair, he climbed on top using his new height to scan looking for the head of hair he had missed so much.

"Liam James!" Being lifted from the chair and returned to the ground, Liam gasps seeing Harry glaring at him, "What were you doing?" 

"L-Looking f-for my-my mum-"

"She's not here," Harry remarks hardening his glare at the boy's tears, "Let's celebrate the fact that Master is, 'hmm?"

"Y-yessir," Liam choked out burying himself in the man, he wanted to scream much like William that his parents didn't show, instead he latched onto Harry as the realization sank in that his parents not showing up meant more than he wanted to admit.

"I have someone I want you to meet," 

Present Day

October 20th, 6048



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