50. Do not forget...

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Months passed until everyone was out of the hospital.

Based on the information the court received, they made further investigations on the Overlord. He was filthy rich with drug dealing and blackmailing royals as well as Lords. No surprise he was hated among them so much. The money was used ot build Ozzie's as well as the property from Mammon back to its original form. Fizzarolli promised him a final show that will last over ten hours to get a lot of money in for his merch and fan service. Asmodeus didn't like it but stayed the entire show at his side. I was there too but couldn't stay that long. I helped Sasha and Loona in the café before I went to the show. Fizzarolli demanded a photo of us together and h handed me a plush toy of him with a signature. As he held me close for the photo he whispered into my ear, "I am glad to see you safe and sound."

"Thanks to you"

"How?" he looked over to Ozzie, "That man."

I chuckled, giving Fizz a kiss on his cheek. This photo was even more worth to him than anything else. He demanded that I sign it. Later on we sat in the café together. They apologized for their behaviour to sell me off but this was all forgotten after what they did to help me out.

For Stolas was this not as easy to get out of this situation.

The media cancelled the scene from us, but a few already downloaded the video. It will be a constant fight till the last copy is destroyed. Stolas had a lot of trouble to tell this to his daughter and ex wife. Octavia hasn't spoken to him since and Stella just laughed it off using it for future arrangements to make fun of him.

The only ones that had his back was Asmodeus, Blitz and everyone else of the team. As for the tall imp, he demanded a photo as well for his pain and suffering. Although the photo session was questionable..."Why do I have to wear this?" it was close to the ones Valentino gave me.

"I went through a lot of shit because of you. The least you can do is giving me sexy photos."

And he demanded a lot. You can imagine how embarrassed I was as he showed it to the others like it was some kind of family album. Stolas also looked over the shoulder, "Ohhh these are good"

"Oh no they are bad..." he turned a page where I had even less on, "...these are good."

Stolas went back to the previous ones, "Can I have those?"


I was outraged, "Will you stop sharing them?!"

"I just gave them to Stolas, keep your knickers on."

Fizz entered excited, "Nice panties Y/N."

Blitz shrugged, "..Okay Fizz got a few..."

In disbelief I watched how Asmodeus, Stolas and Fizz traded the photos, "They are not trading cards!!!"

I should have not granted his wish, looking really embarrassed. As Sasha wanted to see them I hit his hands, "No, hands off, bad dog!"

Blitz grinned evil, "You have no idea what you are missing on Sash".

"I believe I do...when she tries to keep me away from it."

"Y/N?" I jumped as Stolas head was next to mine, "Way I have a word with you?" I didn't want to leave Sasha alone with an evil grinning Blitz and this album, but I had no other choice. This was very important.

"What is it?"

He showed me a book, "I talked to the court and Lucifer, they allowed me to use the forbidden magic to get you back home..." Inside I was happy as well as afraid of that. Stolas wasn't finished, "...but you have to lose all your memories of hell when you get back. You will not remember any of us." He told me of those humans that chase them in the human world. He fears that they will use me to get to hell. The files of me were found at the Overlords mansion.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 06 ⏰

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