28. Unexpected behaviour

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My head began to spin, "Stop"

"What is it? Had enough already?"

Striker didn't show any sign to back off, instead, his chest pressed against mine. With a little effort, my arms gained some distance. His expression changed for a second, not like the usual grin he had, there was no smile on it whatsoever. It was something I haven't seen on him before and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. It looks kind of angry and yet, happy? For an answer was it too short, in an instant, it was back to his sexy grin...and his voice...

"This is too easy"

"To easy for what?" what does he mean?

Now, he got off me, backing away a few feet, "Thank you for the evening doll, but I am afraid right now, we have to part ways"

"You're leaving already?"

"No doll..." despite me being drunk, my eyes reacted to the rifle in his hand, "...you are."

There was only one thing to do right now... run. Well, if you can call it running, it was more of a seal move. Wobbling towards the doors to the disco. Striker took his sweet time to aim, enjoying the humiliation on my attempt to escape.

Slowly, he counted down, "...3..."

Focused on my head, "...2..."

His finger slowly pulling the trigger, "...1..."


Silence filled the alley, at least for three seconds.

"What the fuck!"

Striker pulled down his rifle, looking irritated what was before him. The minute my hands touched the handles, the door slammed open and right into my face. Bleeding from my nose, my head spinning even more, I could only swear of the one responsible.

So was the one causing this.

Blitz held on to the doorknob from the inside, "Finally found you, you stupid fuck!"

Striker pointed towards himself, as the tall imp shook his head, "No, that fuck!" He meant me.

"You son of a bitch, my nose!"

"Serves you right"



"Serves you back!"

For the snake an amusing sight, leaning against a wall, watching how Blitz and I slammed the door against another, while cursing in-between. Still, despite that moment, he had a job to do. But for this, Striker prefers to make it more enjoyable, taking is knife out. Shooting me from the distance seems to be not good enough, he wants to slash my throat. While he got closer, we didn't stop our door fight, not caring who was there to witness this Childs play. Striker's hand almost got my arm...

...as the boxes collapsed on him.

Blitz didn't notice the number of boxes beside him, accidentally hitting them.


Unfortunately, it was high enough to even hit me. The tall imp pulled me out of it on one foot and dragged my unconscious body out of the alley. As for Striker, his nap will take a while longer.

Not too far of that place, Millie and Moxxie were already in bed.

"Ey get off my foot you plonka!"

"Shut it!"

"You fucking dipstick!"

"Stop swearing for fuck sake!"


Unlike Millie, Moxxie couldn't sleep with that noise outside. In one go, he opened the window, "Shut up Sir, Y/N!"

"Tell her that!"

Me lying on the ground with the tall imp holding my leg, I waved at Moxxie, "Hey peg boy!"


"I swear Mox, I didn't tell her anything"

I giggled, "You did."

Blitz dragged me toward his company, wishing his employee a good night. Moxxie get an explanation in the morning, for now, I was his main problem. Even in his office, I didn't stop being a total bitch. Although he was drunk as I am, he got me some painkillers and water first. We both sat on the ground, as he wrapped one arm around my shoulder.

"...what were you thinking?"


"He could have killed you" his grip tightened.

"Mmmm....wait...he tried to kill me?"

Expecting him to snap, he just shook his head lightly, "...yeah..." even his voice sounded calm.

"I thought I lost you"

"Ehm...I think you have..."

His eyes looked confused into mine, as I asked, "...what are we talking about?"

Only to gain a light chuckle, "Alcohol isn't really your thing." They have a point, I feel lost with the current situation, not even understanding why Blitz is moving closer, kissing my forehead. Neither was I aware of my own behaviour, wrapping my arms around his body, placing my head under his chin. For the tall imp, not a thing he expected, feeling a little unsure of how to react. It took him a few minutes, before his own arms came towards me. Rubbing my back, I whispered, "...Thank you...." His arms tightened, "...you're welcome..."

While we fell asleep in each other's arms, Striker had finally awakened. Not because he wanted to, someone forced him to wake. The imp got up in an instant, bowing towards that one before him, "Forgive me Sir, I have failed you."

"You only had one job to do, only one...to take her down," he took the rifle and threw it towards Striker, "This one should have done the trick."

"I won't disappoint you again"

"I know you won't, otherwise, you will be my next target on my list."

"You never told me why you want to get rid of her, Sir."

The figure before him laughed aloud, "Because she is a stubborn one...and foolish at the same time. She had a chance to become something big and yet, decided against it."

"You want revenge?"

He nodded, "Not quite, I just like to play with her." Striker bowed once more before he left. Suddenly, another small imp appeared, "My Master."

"Sane, we are going to the human world. There is something I need to take care of." 

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