14. No ropes attached

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Thankfully, I had some days off from this asshole, as he had some missions to go to.

But on our next date, we stood before each other, both glaring and our arms crossed. Blitzo broke the silence after three minutes, "You are not going?"

"Not with that?" I said, nodding towards the thing in his hand, "Drop it"

"It is just as a precaution" raising the ropes towards me.

"Precaution my ass, because of you I had trouble to get all the popcorn out of my cleavage."

Amused, he wiggled his eyebrows, "I could have sworn I got them all out"

I shook my head,while my eye twitched, "Not all"

Then, he changed the topic to something else, "And what's with the outfit?"

Wearing a shirt, jeans and a pair of sneakers is normal, "What about it?"

"You want to wear this on our date?"

I raised a brow, seeing that he changed his clothes a little. He is wearing a tie and a white shirt under his coat, apart from that, everything else was the same. He expected to see me in this sausage pressed dress, just to have something to look at. My head turned sideways, "Unlucky, this is my clothes for today, take it or leave it"

Oh, please leave it!

"Fine, but I decide where we are going" demanded Blitzo, holding out his hand.

Annoyed I took it.


"Huh? Are you kidding me?!"

The tall imp smirked evil, raising his hand up, "Just a precaution"

"Handcuffs, you must be joking" he must have lost his mind. Our next date got us to an amusement park. Apparently, it was destroyed last year, he said that a fire broke out and everything was burned to a crisp.

"Was this an accident?" I asked.

He clicked his tongue, "Nah, just some visitor didn't like the service of this park."

"Isn't that a bit over the top, burning a park for the bad service?"

Blitzo nodded with a smile, "Yeah..." but changed immediately as he noticed my irritated face, "...a little"

Arriving there, Blitzo was already on to mission: suck your company dry...

...yes exactly what you are thinking...

...my money.

We had to do so many games, that I felt my purse was getting thinner by the minute. Blitzo won one prize after another, but none was for me. He didn't share anything he got, not even food or drinks. I frowned the whole time. Until I stopped before a rollercoaster, "I want to ride that."

The tall imp shook his head, "This is for babies, lets try the shooting souls stand."

I sighted loud, "Too bad, I thought you are a brave imp...oh well...can't blame you to be scared."

That got him, dragging me towards the ticket stand, "Not brave eh?! We will see about that"

Yay, I got it my way and we shared something for once.

No, not the ride, more the trashcan.  We both had to threw up, it seems we both don't have a stomach for those. However, since this happened, he got softer on me. I was taken back, as I saw him pay for sweets that he got for me only. Marshmallows filled inside two waffles. My eyes darked as they were placed into my hands, "Ok what is going on?"

"Can't I give my date a present?"

"Not since I am forced to go on this date and pay for everything"

Blitzo placed his hand around my shoulder, pressing my body against him, "Loosen up a little, this should be a date that we both enjoy." I panicked as his face got closer. His lips formed to a kiss, only to gain contact with a waffle.

Who knew such sweets could become useful to block kisses, "Let's try another stand?" I heard him moaned out of frustration, "Fine."

But what I wanted next, was a hard task for Blitzo.

I stopped before a tent, as the tall imp got stiff as a board. I grinned wide in his direction, "Uh, uh, I want to go here!"

"I...I don't think...I mean...we are grown ups and...seriously...clowns, you like clowns?"

I shrugged, "Why not, they are fun"

Blitz mumbled under his breath, "Why did they have to get that back?"


"Nothing just try something else" he pulled on my hand, but I stood still. I want to go inside this tent. Since the handcuffs made it impossible for him to leave me, he got dragged inside the hell hole. The tall imp was shouting at me to stop pulling him in and then, it turned to a beg. Something wasn't right with Blitzo, but I didn't care, I wanted to see this clown. The tall imp looked really annoyed beside me, looking around anxious.

"what is it with you? Are you afraid of clowns or something?"

"No...its not that"

"What is it?"

He looked rather surprised at me, hearing me being caring for once. Blitzo whispered towards me to leave this place right away. But he refused to tell me why. It was really getting uncomfortable for my company; I couldn't take it anymore. He got it his way and pulled him towards the exit. I felt how his hand wrapped entwined with mine. A small smile came to his lips. We almost there, as a hand stopped me from going further. Expecting it to be Blitzo, I turned around, only to see him get grabbed as well, by the same hand.

"What's the hurry you two? The show is starting soon."

I turned around to see a giant clown before us, but his eyes were mainly on the tall imp. Blitzo glares back at him, "Fizzarolli"

"Long time no see Blitzo. Did you miss me?"

I poked the tall imp's shoulder, "Who is he Blitzo? And he said with the o?"

He mumbled quietly, "The o is silent now"

The clown Fizzarolli laughed out loud, stroking Blitzo's head, "Aww, someone seems to be salty. Why don't you take a seat and enjoy the show? I bet you darling, will love it"

It is not like we had a choice. The clown grabbed us by the handcuffs, dragging us both along to the very first row. Blitzo looks awfully uncomfortable, growling deeply, as I just stared irritated at the clown. What is going on here? How do they know each other?

Messed up Boss? (Blitzo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now