42. Stupid stranger

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Sascha arranged everything that we had some time alone to sort out our thoughts. This massive secret is a massive risk to take but with the overlord close by...what choice do we have?

We took the back of the café as our resting place. Sascha got me a blanket and afterwards some tea and cookies. In that small storage room was enough to be alone leaning against the wall and let the warmth of the tea sink in. Slowly, thoughts of doubt clouded my mind.

Why did this all happen?

What have we done to deserve this?

Closing my eyes, I heard the conversations at the counter outside. Customers ordering her favorite drinks while Sasha laughed and made jokes. I knew him, his laughter is fake. The jokes choked out trying to be funny. No one should see the pain he had to endure now. After some time, the noise decreased, and my mind went wild with memories. All sorts of scenes came to my head, from Christmas days to special events I shared with Sascha. It was all wonderful until that day we drove home from a trip to the ocean.

He had to fulfill his biggest wish to ride a wave. Ever since we met at work, he told me about wanting to be a surfer. We became best friends and enjoyed each other's company. And we both decided to share this wonderful moment together. He got his wave...and I swallowed sea water. Yeah, I suck at surfing. But if I had known what would happen on the ride home, I would rather go back and swallow more water.

During the ride we played some games to kill our boredom, but I am sure...peekaboo wasn't one of them. In an instant Sash almost hit a guy on the road. He was standing there fixing his clothes with out any fear in his eyes. I looked at Sascha and begged him not to get out of the car. The guy slowly walked over to Sascha's side gesturing to open the door. To my disappointment he did, but only a small gap. The man was formal with us asking for the next town while we looked at each other confused. Nothing in his voice sounded angry. More like a hitchhiker happy to get a free ride. I tugged on Sash's arm, "Please don't let him in." I was terrified of him and at that time he didn't even smile.

I pitched Sascha really hard as I looked in the mirror at our new guest. He had to take him in as he sees this a major problem. The radio announced a storm later on and the next town is too far away on foot. My eye twitched, feeling like a right cow. I understand his generosity and kind nature, but this man was a stranger. We have no information who he is or where he came from. Based on his clothes he was not from any village nearby.

He noticed how I scanned his appearance as this smile appeared that will haunt my dreams from now on.

"Do you live in that town?" he asked referring to the next one we arrive. Sascha answered before I could give him a glare not to say a word.

"That is very sweet to take me with you."

We both did say a thing.

"Is there a hotel in town?"

Sascha named a few he knew before shutting his mouth again. He noticed how scared I was, holding my hand tight.

"Are you two a couple?"

I looked at him with a glare, "That is none of your business."

"I thought a little Smalltalk could break the ice."

"I prefer a massive block of ice to remain between us, thank you" I had hoped he wouldn't ask anything further at that point. But he was nowhere near of giving up...the whole trip he kept asking all sorts of questions that drove me nuts. But once we asked him questions, he dodged them with useless chatter that made no sense. Even Sascha started to dislike this man. We were relieved as the town was in sight. To make sure he won't bother us again Sascha drove him to the hotel that was across the town and as far away from our home.

Too bad it wasn't that easy.

He found us at the Steakhouse the next day sitting in the corner of the room. He ordered a cup of coffee. I looked at the clock, based on what I saw he should have finished that cup two hours ago. Still, he drank it like it is full. Sascha told me not to bother this guy and to get back into the kitchen but even then, his gaze was sending chills down my spine. On this we also met Rita at the place. Before she met this man her behavior was more bearable, and you can kind of like her sassy personality. Even her clothes were simple and comfy. It all changed once she stuck around this guy. Sascha and I didn't care if they were together or even started to marry and have children. But this whole situation changed for the worst.

We expected this stranger to be some kind of tourist.

Until we opened the door the minute, we heard the knocking.

"Good morning neighbor!"

The cheerfulness in his voice was big enough to give anyone a heart attack. I held my chest yelling "What the hell is wrong with you?! It is three in the bloody morning!"

"I thought you might like your newspaper" he smiled wide without any guilt.

Furious I pointed at the clock in the corridor, "Yes at eight!" Without any warning the bundle of paper was thrown at me...but the man didn't even move an inch. I looked outside for any other annoying person to get on my nerves. No one was around.

"Have a good day!"

Narrowing my eyes, I watched how he walked over to Rita's home holding the massive pile of newspapers in his hands. Unlike me my neighbor couldn't wait to see our new paperboy. At this point I missed the previous one. He was a young ass teenager stealing our fresh milk and leaving the papers out for the rain to get them soaked but he never dared to wake us at three in the morning. I didn't hear anyone behind me...

"Who was that?"

...until Sascha spoke up still tired.

"Our new paperboy from hell" I said rather annoyed before closing the door. I was not aware that the previous boy was already on his way to hell...send by the man's henchmen. But we soon find out about them as he was around more often. Or Rita who kept him company while they visit us.

From a stranger to our neighbor, to the new paperboy what will happen next?

Sascha and I didn't have to wait that long. We received the new message through someone we soon started to love and cared for in the future. Assuming this morning we had our peace and quiet time alone we ate breakfast in in silence. All of a sudden, a little red creature climbed through the window and stood in the middle of the kitchen while we almost choked on our breakfast.

He held out a piece of paper for me to take, "My master looks forward for his new position in this house".

I looked at Sascha skeptical, "Is this thing insane?"

The creature cleared his throat "Pardon me Miss, I am an imp not a creature. My name is Sin. I will be your servant from now on."

From Sin I looked back to Sash, "Is he taking the piss?"

"Doesn't look that way and what is it he gave you?"

Annoyed I looked at it, but this changed quickly to a confused expression, "What the hell is this?"

Sin bowed at us, "My master is now the owner of your spare bedroom. Congratulations."

Pale as a sheet I asked Sasch how this stranger knew about this bedroom, but he shrugged. Not even drowning Sin in the sink helped me to find out the answer. That Imp and I weren't exactly friends from the very beginning.

Messed up Boss? (Blitzo x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن