32. Last straw

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Thank you dear helluva reader for waiting so long for the updates, I hope you can still enjoy the stories despite the long wait.


Luckily Blitz had to go earlier due to a mission. Moxxie got his boss and was ready to leave as he turned his head towards me, "We discuss this later tonight, I will pick you up later so stay here."

I nodded slightly with a bad feeling in my gut.

Sasha had finally finished his little "session" in the back, hugging me from behind, "Sorry for earlier, I didn't mean to be snappy"

"I know"

"You still want to talk?"

I nodded and he leads me to a corner we could sit in peace.

"Talk to me babes"

Sighting slightly, "What do you think of this place?"

He looked around while nodding, "not bad I didn't expect it to be such a fun job."

"Don't you miss being...human?"

Leaning back the hound chuckled, "Are you kidding me? I am popular being a waiter for a small café, I got a sweet hot girlfriend I adore, and we don't have to worry about rent as it is fucking cheap in hell. Why on earth would I trade it for my life as a human?"

"Don't you miss your family?"

"Y/N don't do that. Of course, I miss them, but I don't want to be some guy that works on a boring lifestyle and no girls that find me attractive. This life is perfect"


"You miss being human?"

"...I guess so..."

"You guess?"

My thoughts are all over the place. Sasha's words made mine feel like a joke. It should have been obvious that he loves it here, he is the fucking star of this place, something he would never be as a human. As for me, my feelings got mixed up between so many things that it is hard to think straight. Especially as my life as an imp got more complicated.

"It is Blitz right?"


"Come one Y/N, I never seen you so out of place with a guy. He sure is an asshole sometimes but who isn't?"

"I am not"

He raised a brow while smirking wide.

"I am a bitch, there's a difference"

"And a perfect match to that asshole"

"Sash don't."

"You like him babes, you never fought like this with any guy at home. Normally you make circles around this type"

"But he keeps coming back"

"Because he cares"

My mind didn't want to believe it, as my heart was jumping around like a child on Christmas, "I am homesick Sash"

His grip tightened around my arms, rubbing his head against mine, "I don't think you're homesick, you're in love babes. You're scared of this as you have never felt like this before."

"It hurts"

"I know I does. But it also is one heck of a feeling you cannot imagine. It's like being on drug 24/7."

"I cannot be with him"

"Why the heck not?"

"...the overlord..."

"The who?"

He looked confused as he seems to have forgotten how we got here in the first place. I told him what happened previously and how this woman came into the café today, "she told me that hired some creatures to get me. Blitz is in danger if he sticks around. And so do you"

"Whoah hold on. You're not quitting our friendship here are you?"

"It is for the best"

He sighted loudly, "You're right...you are a bitch. Thinking running away and cutting all ties with friends would help. Sweetheart, this wont help anyone."

"SO, WHAT CAN I DO THEN SASH!" my tears feel on his fur. I feel hopelessly driven into a corner, without any escape.

"Babes, I am your friend and always will be. I will help you out of this we just have to find a way to make this work."

"How genius?"

He got out is phone, dialling a number.

"Who are you calling?"

"Your lover"

"NOOOOO, don't Sash!"

"He knows hell better than anyone, Blitz might have an idea to help us."

"Bad idea, you just get him involved!"

"We are all in this together. I am not leaving you behind and neither does he."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Are you an idiot or do you just pretend to be one?"

"You trust everyone so easily, aren't you afraid to get hurt?!"

"You don't trust anyone and get hurt...happy?!"


"Y/N, don't think you have to go this way on your own. Were on this together."


"I know this silent treatment Y/N"


"Ok what?"

"Let's do this"

"Finally, my baby girl is back. How about we drink on this?"

"This isn't something to celebrate!"

"Why not? You finally stopped bitching and realize you aren't alone."

I offered to get the drinks, getting out the cash Verosika gave me earlier. It wasn't just money, but also a small note and a little bag of pills. Shuddering what she said got me worried.

Her lips touched my ear slightly sending a chill down my spine. He seductive voice wasn't anywhere near form being lustful...but serious, "I know what you are, and I can help you. Go to that address and ask for big daddy. He can help you change back. Just don't tell this to Blitzo, he will screw up everything for his own profit. Oh and keep this quiet from anyone or there might be more to lose than you realize."

With shaky hands, the pills fell into the beer followed my tears.

I had hoped that Sasha wanted to get back home. Since he loves it here so much why should I ruin this for him? I think it is time to get out of here on my own. Wiping my tears away my face turned into a happy look. Hiding my true intentions were difficult as Sasha might catch on anything. So, the best way was to get him drunk fast, not taking any risk. Before leaving I pulled a blanket over him, kissed his nose, and gave him one more hug, "Thank you for everything Sash...I love you..."

Hardly any customers were around by the time we celebrate, so it was easy to lock the door and leave for the train station. Hopefully this big daddy can really help me with my curse.

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