22. Change of...rooms

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At the dinner table, the atmosphere was tense between me and Blitzo.

He sat on the other side of the table between Striker and Moxxie. On mine, I was between Millie and Sally May. If it wasn't for the family to be so lively, having a loud conversation, it would have been unbearable. Especially when Blitzo tries to say something.

I saw how his mouth opened, "N/Y, I..."

"Don't talk to me" was my quick reply. Instantly, he shut his mouth and looked down on his plate. Striker on the other hand, seem to enjoy this, "Would you pass me the butter doll?"

Grinning slightly, my hand made its way to the item, "Sure...darling"

Blitzo moved uncomfortable in his seat, staring at the lager Plate beside me, "Can I have the hog meat?"

"Get it yourself"

Millie's mother had noticed our behaviour ever since we entered the house, looking from me to the tall imp, "Did you have a fight with your fiancé?" The room got silent. It seems that I wasn't the only one that wasn't aware of this new information.

"We had a fight alright" I said rather quick.

Blitzo nodded slowly.

"Don't worry, once you get all cuddly tonight you will be fine" her words made my eye twitch, while she exchanged a romantic moment with her husband. There is no way that I spend a night with this liar.

"Speaking of tonight, may I have a different room please?"

In a matter of seconds, the siblings from Millie raised their hands, offering their rooms. But Millie's mother shook her head towards the boys, "Out of question, you have to get up early." Another hand got up, it was Striker's, "You can stay with me N/Y." Wow, he finally said my name. As much as I find it flattering that everyone is trying to help me, but I wasn't sure about it. All of a sudden, another one gone up.

"She can stay with me and Millie, the bed is big enough for three."

That didn't sound so bad, thank you Moxxie, "Sure, that's ok."

Millie's mother nodded, allowing this new change. Besides, I was a little tired. Striker didn't seem to be upset, just shrugging it off. Blitzo however remained silent, but his body was trying to say something. Once Moxxie offered his bed to me, the tall imp's body started to relax. That I stay with the couple doesn't seem to bother the boss. While the room went back to their conversation about who-knows-what, Moxxie leaned back and tapping Striker's shoulder.

"Who is the loser now?"

Moxxie gained a deadly glare, while he hissed, "Just wait." With that, he left the table, while the I.M.P remained in their seats, joining the conversations among the family. I didn't know what was going on, as I left in a hurry. It was obvious that I checked out the room right away.

On my way, I passed one room. A bright light shines underneath the door towards my feet. Curiosity got the best of me, since I didn't know whose room, this is. Slowly, my hand reached out to the doorknob.

"Wrong door doll"

It wasn't his voice that made me startle, but his deep hissing sound he made.

"Is this yours?"

He nodded, getting dangerously close, "Your room must be one of the ones over there." Pointing behind me, I turned my head, "Oh...ok". Instead of my body moving, I looked back towards the tall imp, jumping backwards. He was very close with is face, almost touching my nose," Sweet dreams dear".

"Ehm...yeah...sure...you too" his eyes made me feel uncomfortable. They seem to follow my every move; I could even fell it when I turned around. The minute the door was shut, I could feel how the tension faded. Luckily, Moxxie was a sweetie, getting my stuff from Biltzo's room for me. Or did Millie's mom make this mistake? I well.

Anyhow, at least I didn't have to see the red dickhead for tonight.

Sascha packed my bags for me, knowing that I enjoy some time to write or doodling on paper. My smile grew, as I sat on the bed, drawing Stolas whipping Blitzo. As for Striker, I made a snake version of him. That is what he reminds me off, a dark vicious snake, sneaking up on his pray, ready to attack at any moment.

"Hey doll"

"Holy Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!" With my back to the door, I didn't see him entering, falling off the bed in the process, "Ever heard of knocking?!"

He chuckled, "I did, but it seems you were busy..." his gaze went towards the sketchbook on the floor, "...is that supposed to be me?" I nodded slowly, not sure of how he reacts to this. He picked it up, then reaching out to me, "pen."

Without hesitation, I obeyed, giving him the one in my hand.

Curious, I moved around to see him scribble something on the drawing. He didn't show it to me, instead, the page got ripped out of the book, "You got talent darling, keep up the good work"

"Ehm...and my drawing?"

"I will keep it as a present, you mind?"

I shook my head, not wanting to have this snake imp in my room any longer. Thankfully, he left me alone. Too bad that this damn door has no lock.

Outside, Striker held the drawing up, grinning wide, "What an interesting girl." That is when he noticed his room was open. Someone was in there. His eyes turned to a glare, unlike his smile, that only grew to an evil grin. Especially as he knew who was in his room, a certain little male imp.

Striker saw his chance to get it back at Moxxie for the thing he said at the dinnertime.

"...how did he get one of these?"

Moxxie was amazed by this angelic weapon before him, as well as concerned on how it got there.

Striker leaned against the door, feeling amused by this situation. Let the fun begin, he thought.

"Why don't you ask me, little dude?"

Messed up Boss? (Blitzo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now