12. A stupid alternative!

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The hellhound could hear me slamming right into the door of the café, closing it on the inside.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"...he knows..." I breathed out, "...Sascha, he knows...he is going to kill me!!!!!!!"

We both hid behind the table, as we watched the tall imp with his pistol. He looked around shouting for me to get out of my asshole and face the consequences. In words it means, come closer, so I can be sure you are dead with the first bullet.

Thankfully, Sascha wouldn't just hand me over like that, helping me. His plan is to get the pistol then to capture the imp.

"And then?"

"Patience Y/N, just get us to that part, then we see next"

I moaned, "Great plan"

"You got a better idea, let's hear it!"

"...I get the pistol, you that red dickhead"

That hellhound seems to enjoy it, smiling wide, "Now we are talking. Ok, we open the door, and you stand over there as a decoy"


He showed me his index finger, pointing towards the spot, "I need to get close to him, just stand there and wait"

"I hope you didn't forget that he has a bloody pistol with him!"

He gave me an annoyed look, like saying 'DUH!' to me. I shuddered at the feeling of seeing that imp outside.


"Don't move" whispered Sascha, opening the door slowly. The minute it hit the bell on the roof, that guy's head moved towards the café, seeing me inside. I panicked. The minute he aimed the pistol at me, I jumped over the table and through the backdoor.

"Y/N!" screamed the hellhound, slamming the door back shut. Unfortunately, Blitz didn't see that coming and ran right into it. The loud bang made Sascha flinch, watching the imp slowly moving towards the ground. Millie and Moxxie helped their boss up.

The hellhound, however, went over to the backdoor, "Y/N?!"

He knew, he couldn't leave me alone now. Grabbing his jacket and Sascha locked the doors of the café. Hi boss will be mad that the café is closed, but my safety was his main priority.

Blitz recovered quickly, demanding his staff to stay out of this. He wanted to kill me all on his own.

And he almost got me.

In this city was hardly anything to hide behind, so he had an easy game to find me. If it wasn't for my weird way, of moving in zick zack, like a bunny runs off from a fox. Without it, he would have gotten more on me than a little scratch on the arm.

However, it was a short hunt.

I around till I reached the café again, panicking that it wont open. Seeing the crazy imp turn the corner, I grabbed the neared trash can and smashed the window. It was no use, cuts from the glass and crawling inside, he caught me. I could feel how his hand grabbed on to my foot, pulling my body towards him. His evil grin was disturbing.

"Got you now, bitch"


It was terrifying enough for to be this close, but to have him on you is even worse. He was knocked out, by the same trash can I used for the window, only that Sascha was holding it.

With one hand, he got him off me, the other grabbed my wrist, "Have you lost it? I told you to stay there!"

"Sorry, I panicked!"

We could hear the imp moan, "He is still alive Sasch!"

He shrugged unimpressed, "Who said I wanted to kill him?"

"But he is dangerous!"

"We will see about that" was all he said, placing the imp on to one of the chairs in the café. The pistol was out of reach, unlike me. The hellhound demanded me to sit on the opposite side of this maniac. I didn't get what he is up to, "Are you trying to therapy this guy?"

"Not quite"

"Even so, why do I have to sit here?"

"You are part of this"

I raised a brow, "Part of what?"

Sascha didn't tell me, as the imp opened his eyes. First, he only moaned around about his head spinning until his eyes saw me. Instantly I leaned back as his hands were close to choke me. If it wasn't for the hellhound, he would have done so. Sascha held the imp on his shoulders and back into his seat. That didn't stop that psycho to growl into my direction.

"So, you know she smashed your window...eh..."

"Blitz" growled the imp, trying not to attack me.

"Ok...blitz...she will pay the damage she caused you, ok? So, no need to kill her for one lousy window smash."

"Windows" added the imp.

Sascha was irritated, looking at me and back to Blitz, "eh?"

"She damaged more than one" his voice still threatening, but no more growling.

"Ok she will pay these two or three windows, alright?"
I had to interrupt him, "Ehm...Sasch..."

But Blitz beats me to it, "Smashed windows and a damaged van"

The hellhound was shocked, "Y/N, what the fuck did you do?!"

"It was an accident...I think"

"Accident....an accident?!" Oh no, he got up again, "Do you know how much it cost me to fix your fucking 'accident'?!"

With one push, his butt was back in his seat by Sascha. The hellhound had hoped to save me because of a small problem, he didn't expect it to be such a main one, "Alright, I got an offer for you."

I looked confused as well as Blitz, what does he had to offer to the maniac?

This guy grinned evil, as I refused to look him in the eyes, "What offer do you have?"

"She could pay it back to you by..."

"Being my hoe for a month...done" interrupted Blitz.

I frowned deeply, "FUCK OFF!"

Sascha shook his head, "No, not that. Ehm...how much did she damage exactly?"
The tall imp thought for a minute, as I just guessed, "...around 5 things"


"Eh?" now I had to think it through. What else did I damage?

His smile only widened, "I didn't count the rest of the damaged vehicles...or should I?"

I sighted towards Sascha, "I am screwed, let him kill me"

"No! Blitz, how about...she goes out with you? One for every damage."

The hellhound seems pleased and so is Blitz by the offer, all except me. I took the pistol and shoved it back into the imp's hands, "I changed my mind, shoot me, right between the eyes....pleaseeeeee!"

Sascha sighted, "Y/N, you are not helping"

I rather be dead, than to spend my time with this psycho for everything I damaged. But Blitz liked the idea and arranged our first one tomorrow. The hellhound had to supress his laughter, as I held on to the imp's leg, begging him to kill me. All his anger faded and got replaced with excitement for the next day, "Let have a date at the cinema, there got this new movie and..."

I was ignored his plans for us, I kept on begging him to put me out of my misery. A quick death is nothing compared to his company.

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