Chapter 11

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200+ reads and only 50 votes? What is this guys? Please vote the story. I put my time and hardwork for it and you are not even clicking the star button. It does not even take long time to click the star; it's just a few seconds. I would be discouraged to continue if this continues like the way it is moving right now. Please show your involvement.


[Trigger Warning : There are some questionable activities which include sexual assault to a dead body so please refrain from reading if you can not handle. The author does not support any of such activities]     


"Why are you here in stead of giving support to her right now?" Angelo's words reached my ears as my eyes followed Samarya in the screen. She was sitting on her own bed pulling her legs to her closer to her legs.

"She needs to be strong." Without removing my gaze, I replied to his question.

Angelo sighed, his frustration evident even in the dim light of the room. "Strength is one thing, but she's alone, Lorenzo. Completely alone. You need to be there for her."

"Well, she has not asked for me has she? So, I guess she is doing fine alone." I followed Samarya's movement as she sliped under her duvet.

Angelo let out a frustrated sigh. "Lorenzo, that's not how it works!"

"Did those prisoners had the food?" I asked him completely ignoring his words.

"Yeah. I am sure they are currently vomiting their guts out." Irritation could be heard in his voice.

"Good. They deserve worser than that." I nodded my head at his answer. "How are our men doing in Mexico? Have they found about the boss?"

Angelo's hand clenched into a fist, his knuckles whitening. "The men in Mexico are still searching. Marcus and his team captured one of the capos. They are bringing him here. As for the boss, no word yet. By the way, Vincenzo called while you were busy playing with your captives. He was asking about your encounters with the cops." Angelo briefed me.

"Did any of them complain against me?" I turned to look at him.

"One did. The female officer who had locked her up complained to the higher official. But she is dealt. Vincenzo sent us her dead body," Angelo replied, his voice steady but his eyes betraying a hint of concern. "Also, Vincenzo is getting anxious. He's worried that your... methods might draw too much attention."

"Where is her body right now? Is it whole or mutilated?" I questioned him.

"It's whole and kept in the underground morgue. The men are having fun with the body." Angelo's words were hard.

"Having fun with the body, eh?" I smirked thinking what the fun meant. "How long has her body been here?"

"An hour." He replied.

"And how many men are in there?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Five of them. They are the young ones." Angelo answered.

"Hormonal young boys freshly out of their teenager phase." I nodded hearing his words. "Tell them to stop their fun and return to the base. I am paying a visit."

"You aren't going to-

"No" I glared at Angelo cutting off his words. "I have my own woman and I am not interested in such decayed stuffs."

Angelo scoffed. "Yeah the same woman who needs you right now but you are staying here like a coward."

"Call me whatever you want but I am not going there at this moment. I am tired and I need sleep." I told him exiting the room.

Angelo's derision was palpable as he challenged my facade."Tired? Sleep? pare me the pretense," he jeered. "It's no secret to either of us that slumber eludes you, that the tranquility of sleep is a stranger to your restless nights."

I paused at the threshold, the weight of Angelo's words anchoring me momentarily. "Perhaps," I conceded with a weary sigh, "but even the insomniac has his limits. The body demands what the mind refuses."

"And you are going to find the peace in the morgue. Probably to mutilate that body." Angelo shook his head following behind my steps.

Angelo's skepticism shadowed me as I descended into the bowels of our compound, where the chill of death cloaked the air and the sterile scent of the morgue clawed at my senses. The young men, their faces flushed with a morbid thrill, halted their grotesque celebration as I entered.

"The fun ends now," I declared, my voice reverberating off the cold walls. "Get out."

Without any question, they dressed themselves properly and left the morgue living me and Angelo alone with the dead body. I scrunched my nose looking at the body that was covered with the fresh cum.

I approached the table where the body lay. This woman, an officer of the law, had been caught in the unforgiving gears of our criminal world. Vincenzo's message was clear: No one interfered with our operations and lived to tell the tale.

Yet, as I stood there, a part of me—a part I seldom acknowledged—wrestled with the brutality of our existence. It was a part that saw in Samarya's solitude, in Angelo's frustrated concern, and in the lifeless form before me, the stark truth of what we were. Monsters in the shadows.

"Pass me a knife." I forwarded my hand to Angelo who was leaning on the wall nearby. Without any question he passed it to me.

I took the knife from Angelo, the metal cold and weighty in my hand, a stark reminder of the path I had chosen. My shadow stretched long and sinister across the stainless-steel table, merging with the outline of the lifeless body. The silence of the morgue was almost sacred, a stark contrast to the chaos of our lives above ground.

Angelo watched me with a wary eye, his stance rigid and guarded. He knew the precarious balance of our world, the fine line between control and anarchy, life and death.

I looked down at the woman before me, her face still etched with the final moments of terror, the grimace of an untimely and violent end. My brother must have frightened her a lot before killing her. I knew him very well. While I like enjoying the pain in the people when they are tortured, Vincenzo liked to see the fear before killing them.

Raising the knife , I pointed it's tip towards the dead woman's face before stabbing it. The knife pierced through the skin just below her left making the eye pop out. However, I did not stop there. The stabbing continued until I felt myself easing out of the stress. The face looked barely recognizable as I was done by it.

"Tell them to burn it." I scrunched my face in disgust as I looked at the disfigured body. I started walking towards the exit of the morgue.

"Lorenzo," Angelo called out to me as I reached near the door. "You didn't kill Alice, did you?"

I stopped on my track as his words registered in my mind yet I did not turn back to him. Instead, without giving him any answer, I walked to my bedroom with image of crying Samarya on her bed in my head. 

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For the next chapter, I will not update until it has 100 votes. The votes are not even half of the reads and it is very disappointing....

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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