Chapter 4

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I groaned feeling the sunrays on my face. Did I left the curtains open last night? I pulled the duvet and covered my face not wanting to get up. However, my sleepy mood got ruined as the loud screech came from my phone. I huffed and turned off the alarm before getting up. Walking groggily to the bathroom, I shed out of the clothes and turned on the shower.

Walking inside the kitchen after a good shower, I frowned finding the place quiet. I saw a note attached to the refrigerator making me realize Alice had gone for jogging. How she gets the energy to run early in the morning is a mystery to me. I could hear the complaining voice of my mother saying 7 am is not early.

She returned after I finished making the breakfast.

"How is your writing going?" Alice asked in the middle of the breakfast making me let out a sigh. I had written a few fiction stories in college and had posted in various website. It was my plan to publish my own books and I had started writing one around two months ago but I was facing the writer's block frequently. I had gotten less time to read books and the office works had taken away a little creativity I had in my mind too.

"I don't think I will be able to finish it. Honestly, I have just completed three chapters in two months." I told her feeling upset.

"Why don't you visit the public library this weekend? Maybe you will be refresh and get ideas." Alice suggested to which I nodded at her. I could do that.

After completing the breakfast, we got ready and left for our respective workplaces. It was already half past eight by the time I reached the office building. There was still half an hour before the beginning of office hours so I decided to grab a cup of coffee from the café that was two houses down from the office building.

Taking the coffee in my hand, I entered the building greeting Camilla on the way. I took the elevator to reach my floor. We were given this floor since the formation of new team for the magazine the previous day.

"Ms. Bhandari." I turned back hearing the thick Italian accent that pronounced my surname wrong but I shrugged since it was a daily occurrence.

I remembered seeing this man with Mr. De Luca yesterday. I felt my heartbeat increasing remembering that man.

"Yes?" My voice came out timid making me cringe at myself.

"Your cabin is this way, ma'am. Since you are the team leader, you get a personal cabin." The man said.

I hesitantly took my steps to the direction he showed. I opened the cabin door and my breath hitched seeing the spacious place. The place was simple and open. I could see outside from the huge windows on two sides of the cabin.

"This is all yours. You can decorate it as per your wish and give the bill to Chairman." I openly gaped at his latter words. Give the bill to chairman? Mr. De Luca? Was this his way of buying my affection? Maybe the man in front of me was able to read my thoughts so his next words assured me.

"Mr. De Luca wants his employee to work on the comfortable surroundings. That's why he decided to give everyone a chance to decorate their workplace without worrying about the expense. He wants the best for both the company and the employees." The man said making me nod.

"Thank you, sir." I slightly nodded my head thanking him. He then left the cabin.

I looked around before taking a seat on the huge chair behind the desk. I leaned back with a sigh. Oh, it was so soft and comfortable. I can literally sleep here. However, the thought of sleep flew away from my mind when I saw a small CCTV camera on the wall right in front of me. I straightened up and started arranging my desk. There was already a latest iPhone and a MacBook on the desk which I assumed was for office purpose.

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