There Were Actually Two

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Ezra's P.O.V.

       Taking the elevator up to the sixth floor I can't believe I have to do this. Why it couldn't have been anyone else I have no idea. I thought about just texting her, but I'm probably blocked. Reaching the floor I need, I take a breath as I step out. "Oh, great there you are Em! The hunk I went out with last night whew!" A very bubbly blonde I have never met before in my life comes hale scaling up the hall looping her arm through mine.

       Pulling me through the glass door in front of us she doesn't take a breath for me to get a word in. Ending up at a group of desks there's two men already there sitting. Seeing me the smaller of the two sits up looking slightly confused. "Pen who's that?" He cuts the woman off finally and she looks at him like he's grown a second head. Telling him is obviously me Emily he stands up shaking his head. "Penelope that can't be Emily, her and JJ-" He himself gets cut off by an office door above us opening.

       Out of it steps another blonde woman and Emily. Finally getting let go I straighten out my clothes. "Dad's dead." That was pretty much all I had so I turn on my heels heading back the way I had come.

       Getting halfway back to the door there's suddenly a hand around my wrist. Being turned back around I come face to face with my twin. "Ezra what do you mean Dad's dead!? What happened?" Wrenching my arm away from her I step back putting some space between us.

       It takes everything in me to be this way with her but for years it's been radio silence from her. "He had a brain tumor, and we didn't know until it was too late. His funeral is this Friday, he's being buried with honor. You are welcome to attend but Elizabeth is not." I should have just sent a postcard.

       Just staring at me there are tears streaking down her cheeks. "Daddy's gone...?" In that moment looking at her all I see is the same little girl from thirteen years ago.

       Nodding I open my arms and she barrels into my chest. Holding her as she breaks down two other men make their way out onto the landing eyes on us. "Emily?" Looking straight at me I shake my head no.

       "Ezra." The younger of the two men eyes widen. Beginning down the steps I realize who exactly he is. "Aaron?" Passing the group of agents, he affirms it's him asking if something has happened to the Ambassador. Scoffing he stops dead in his tracks. "The world couldn't get that lucky." Picking my sister up entirely she wraps her legs around my waist hiding her face against my shoulder. I used to carry her around all the time but at 28 it's getting a bit harder. "I'm going to take her." Her phone and wallet are in her pockets and that's all she really needs for right now.

       Carrying her away no one has moved even as the elevator doors close shut. Heading straight to the parking garage I hadn't needed a visitor badge having just walked right in the agents downstairs having waved me through under the assumption I was her just coming back inside. Sitting her in my passenger's seat I have to practically pry her off of me. "Sissy p-please!" Kneeling in front of her I really need her to calm down.

       "Emmy Sissy is right here! I'm right here!" Holding her head against my chest over my heartbeat I rock us both back and forth. This is how I would calm her down whenever the world seemed to be ending.

       She eventually does calm down which is great because my wife and daughter are expecting me back. Able to finally get in she ends up falling sleep along the way exhausted from crying. We arrive at my home, and I have to carry her in. Using the scanner on my key ring get in I push the door in with my foot. "Darlin'..." Into the foyer walks my wife our ten-month-old wiggling around in her arms.

       Eyes shifting between us I blow a piece of my hair out of my face. "Everything's alright Sweet Tooth I promise." My sister begins to stir hearing voices. "Come on Em you're getting heavy." Waiting until she's alert enough I sit her on her own two feet everything popping as I straighten up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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