She's Interesting

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Emily's P.O.V

       Sitting on JJ's desk she shuts the files she was reading through. "Why do you come to my office just to watch her when your desk is right next to hers?" Scoffing I turn my body to look at her.

       "I do not come up here just to watch her that would be creepy. I came up here to talk to you." Crossing her arms, she believed absolutely none of that. 

       Getting up she rounds her desk, sliding over she hops up next to me. "So, what is she doing now? She turned in her files to Hotch almost two hours ago." This time I raise my brow at her. "I get bored too!" Humming we watch her flip the page of her notebook.

       It's a personal notebook of hers she keeps with her. "She writes and doodles a lot. I thought it was a journal, but I mayhap have gotten a couple peaks at it, and they're actually stories she writes." Pulling my phone from my pocket I pull up a photo I took of one of the pages when she left it open on her desk while getting coffee.

       Handing the blonde my device she instantly realizes what I'm showing her snatching it to look closer. Her eyes widen with each line. Getting to the end she hands it back. "I've never been with a woman before, but I feel like I have now." Rayne's writing style is flushed out and vivid. "So, she writes porn in her free time." Placing my phone between us I tell her not quite.

       She's a natural storyteller you can tell in the way she speaks to people. It's also very much something that's reflected in her writing. "Technically sexually explicit writing is referred to as smut. It's actually quite a large subsection of literature. I've seen some conversations she's written between characters, and they are heartbreaking. Everything she writes as far as I've seen has been centered around queer characters and challenges, they face." That piques her interest as the six- or seven-months Ray's been on the team she hasn't mentioned anything about her being LGBTQ+.

       The BAU is probably one of the queerest FBI teams there are. Spence, Jen, and Aaron are all bisexual, Pen is pansexual, and I'm a lesbian. The only two straight members are Derrick and Rossi, but Dave's also never been tight-lipped about his wild experimental college days. Around this time, we watch her begin to pack up for the night. Deciding we should stop creeping and probably do the same she tells me to wait for her by the elevator and we'll ride down together. By the time we make it downstairs,' our cars are two of the five or six few that remain. Walking through the empty lot JJ suddenly stops.

       I stop and she points towards one of the spots. Laying on the ground is a notebook. It's not just anyone's notebook though it's Ray's. She must have dropped it when she left. Looking at each other we both know we can't just leave it lying there to chance someone else finding it. Together we walk towards it and I bend down picking it up. Standing up we're both thinking the same thing. "Give me time to change and grab some takeout then I meet you at your apartment?" Agreeing to her plan a part of me knows we shouldn't read her private writing.

       Another part of me though wants to know so bad. Keeping the notebook with me I never claimed to be a perfect person. Once I get home, I basically have enough time to shower and dress for bed when JJ arrives. Breaking out the takeout we sit side by side in the middle of my couch. Glasses of red wine in one hand we sit It between us opening to the first page. It's broken up into chapters of larger works and short stories labeled as oneshots. It seems as though she just writes them as they come to her. Since it's all handwritten, she probably retypes them later.

       Reading through it there's never a point where I get bored. I genuinely could read an entire novel written by her. The character and world-building for even just getting parts are so well flushed out. There are character biographies for some of her characters and if someone described another person just using them, I couldn't have told rather they were talking about an actual person or character. JJ points out a different label, this one saying commissioned. Reading it my whole body heats up. "Someone paid for her to write that..." Finishing my glass of wine that was a lot.

Emily Prentiss OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now