My (Ex)Wife

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Emily's P.O.V     

       Staring at the invitation I sigh. JJ may be my best friend but her scheduling a last-minute vows redo which seems to be bigger than her actual wedding well... "So Princess who's going to be your plus one?" At this point, everyone on the team has their dates.

       I would too if I didn't implode my marriage three months ago. We got married when I was in London and since I've come back to the BAU I was waiting for the right time to introduce her. That moment never came. I got tired of coming home from cases to her black-out drunk and our apartment destroyed due to one of her drunken fits. I ended up kicking her out and told her I wanted a divorce. I just haven't filed for it.

       I still love her I do but I love sober her, not the alcoholic she turned into. Am I'm partially to blame for that? Yes. Birthdays, anniversaries, her family events I was never there for. The first time I met her family was at our wedding. It's not that she didn't want me to be I just always chose work over her. That's the main reason I came back. Not being in charge of multiple teams let me spend more time with her but the damage was already done. The move also isolated her as being born and raised in London then moving to a whole different country where you know one person is difficult. Then factor in only seeing that person maybe a few hours a night not counting the time we were asleep and the occasional weekend if we got lucky. It was hard on us both. She was trying to cope entirely by herself because I was never there and when I was I couldn't stand how she chose to do so.

       Getting hit with a crumpled piece of paper I realized I zoned out. "I'm working on that." Grabbing my phone from my desk I head towards the restroom.

       Things have changed now we are guaranteed weekends given we're in state and mandatory break days in between traveling. They've also become more lenient on what they'll approve a day off for. Quickly finding her number I take a deep breath hitting the call button. It rings and keeps ringing until her voicemail greeting comes up. Ending the call I sigh. Thinking about calling back and leaving a message I decide against it. If I were her I would have blocked my number. I'm not proud of how I treated her that night everything with the case and just life in general became too much and I took it out on her.

       Giving myself a moment I pull it together and return to my desk. Chucking JJ's invitation into the top drawer I focus back on finishing the file for our last case. I don't know how long passes but I hear the bullpen door open and look up. "There she is Sweet Pea it was a pleasure to meet you!" I know my jaw is on the floor but I can't help it.

       My reaction piques the interest of the other agents and Penelope does a little loop pretending she forgot to tell Derrick something. "I saw that you called I sooner not be served at work so I came here to get them." Looking down at her phone she holds her hand out.

       After too long of a stretch of silence she finally looks up. "That's- that's not why I called actually I haven't uh you know actually filed yet." Sliding her phone in her pocket she wraps her arms around herself.

       Looking around there's a lot of eyes on us. "Is there somewhere else we can maybe have this conversation?" Nodding I get up gesturing for her to follow me.

       Hitting the steps I lead her to JJ's office. Knocking on the door it takes less than ten for the liaison to pull it open. "Can we use your office?" Stepping out she tells me to go for it. Letting her enter first, I shut the door behind us and begin pulling the blinds. "How are you, Rayne?" She cringes at me using her full name and guilt begins clawing its way up my throat.

       She hated me calling her that always perforating Ray or Princess of course. "I've been better actually got a job with sex crimes. The Bureau wanted my contract but you know I didn't want to ruin your life more than I already had and this is kind of your thing." Looking anywhere but me I lean against the wall next to the door. "How have you been Emily?" It's something I guess.

Emily Prentiss OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ