Since You've Been Gone

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*Requested by TroubleInSayno

JJ's P.O.V. 

       Having gotten word that officially today is the day Emily becomes Emily again I'm feeling every emotion possible. Keeping this secret, this lie, for eight months has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Hotch and I were the only two who knew the whole truth but even still we lost her too. I lost my best friend and Hotch lost a confidant. The difference is that we knew it was only temporary. Rossi lost his daughter, Reid a big sister. Penelope a best friend, and Derek lost his partner in crime. To them, they lost her forever and that's a different type of pain. No one lost more than Rayne did though.

       Rayne Lennox joined the team around two years ago now, and Em was taken with her from day one. It took four months of her pining over her before Pen and I told her that she needed to tell her, or we would. It may sound harsh, but Emily was just so oblivious that it was beginning to push Ray away. By that point, she had been following the raven-haired woman around like a puppy. If Emily said jump, she'd asked how high. It went both ways though as Em always banked on her being around. Coffee, breakfast, lunches, dinners, nights-in, bars, the mall, and even grocery shopping were done together. They were rarely ever not together. When they were they'd always be texting each other or talking about the other.

       Then the case in Arkansas happened. We had tracked down our unsub's location and had been clearing his residence. There was fake wall paneling and as Emily had been going by when he slid it open and knocked her over the head. Thankfully we had heard it close back and when we radioed to find her it was coming from behind the wood. Between her and Derek they tore the shelf part itself off with their bare hands. Actually getting in proved to be a bit more challenging. Hotch started to make calls, but we ran out of time. There were voices then crashing and we knew he was hurting her. Going against direct orders to wait as soon as he stepped away to try to get better service, she went through it.

       Having gotten a running start, the force of her whole body hitting it was enough to blow it apart. Morgan has since dubbed her Ms. Kool-Aid for how she had burst through it. She didn't make it through it unscathed, but it did allow us to get to Emily and take down the unsub. Forcing them both to go to the hospital he had beaten her pretty badly. Her shirt was also partially cut up the front, so we knew exactly what he was planning to do. Ray's entire right side was bruised, and she ended up with a dislocated shoulder and a whole lot of splinters.

       Emily was pissed at her for what she did. From what the paramedics told us, they had rode in the same ambulance as Ray had refused to go any other way, she had practically yelled at her the whole time about making reckless choices. Her getting out was the first time I'd ever actually seen her walk away from Emily. She was for sure still going when they arrived as we could hear her from where we were meeting them at the hospital bay doors. I'd never seen her look so expressionless, so dead behind the eyes, as she silently walked past us next to a nurse. It's the same expression she's had for the last eight months and knowing what I do now I know exactly what that means for her. Back then that look worried me it terrifies me.

       Being treated Emily was actually released before her as hers were all cosmetic. A lot of bruising and a small laceration on her forehead that needed a few stitches. Resetting a bone and picking out hundreds of splinters took a bit longer. Directly after signing out, Emily wanted to back to the hotel. Derek and I went with her. After all of that, I didn't hesitate to lay into her. She hadn't watched what we had, and it pissed me off to see how she treated her.

       I was angry enough that I made her cry and to bring Prentiss to tears is a feat. She was just scared of losing her and I understood that but she went too far. That night it was supposed to be our turn to share a room, but she went to her and never came back. All I got was a text that said thank you.

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