You're a Courgar...!? Or Not.

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Emily's P.O.V

       Knocking back my drink I grimace at the taste. "So where's this mystery woman of yours? You promised she'd be here tonight Princess!" Derrick claps my shoulders causing me to swat him.

       Checking my phone there are no messages from her. "She's on her way I told you she was going to be a little later because of work don't cream your pants!" Feigning hurt the table breaks into laughter. Once it's died down I clear my throat there's one small detail I forgot, omitted on purpose, to tell them about her. "So uh one last tiny thing I haven't mentioned. Ray's kind of younger than me." Sipping at his scotch Dave asks by how much. "Huh so like by fifteen years." Saying it as fast as possible I hope it doesn't register.

       The whole table freezes though. Arron and Dave look close to having heart attacks, Spencer and JJ's jaws are on the table, Pen's smiling, and Derrick looks like the cat that got the damn canary. This is exactly why I didn't want to tell them. "Holy shit Prentiss who knew you were a cougar!" Physically recoiling I hate the implications of that word.

       Dave and Hotch snap out of their stupor ready to reign Derrick back in after seeing my reaction. As thankful as I am that they were going to come to my defense they don't get a chance. From behind me a set of arms snake around my waist sliding me back slightly on my stool. Just from the smell of Versace Eros that surrounds me as my back comes to rest against their front, I know it's Ray. I bought the cologne myself for her as a gift and it's been her obsession since. Well, a mutual obsession really because it just makes her smell so damn good. "She isn't." One by one their faces drop. "If she was I wouldn't have had to play a six-month game of chase." Kissing my cheek she slides so she is now next to me while still having me between her and the table.

       I notice she's in a suit that's the same shade of red as the dress I'm wearing which she had delivered earlier after she had gone to work wanting me to wear it tonight. "Everyone I'd like you to meet my girlfriend of over a year, Rayne Lennox. I'm sure you guys recognize the name she's the CFO of Lennox Diamonds and Jewelry as well as Lennox Attire." The clothes we're currently wearing are actually pieces of her next line. "Darling these are my teammates Spencer Reid, David Rossi, Aaron Hotchner, Derrick Morgan, Penelope Garcia, and Jennifer Jarreau." Shaking each of their hands my blonde best friend tells her to just call her JJ.

       Offering to get the next round for everyone she steps away. As soon as she is gone JJ slaps my arm nearly sending me off the stool. "You thought to finally mention the age thing but not the fact you're dating one of the top five richest women in Virginia! I mean we all noticed the change in clothes and new jewelry but you just kept saying they were gifts!" Rubbing my arm hurts I shrug because it's not like I lied they were gifts.

       Before they can continue the line of questioning a bottle of tequila gets set on the table. "The queue is horrendous so I worked around it." Opening the top of the bottle she holds it in her dominant hand having a stack of shot glasses in the other. Bending towards the table she blows on the stack causing the top one to hop onto the table. Blowing on it again before it settles it begins to spin and she pours the liquor as it goes round. Repeating the process eventually, there are seven perfectly poured shots sitting atop the wood not a single drop hitting the table. Already being a couple of shots in the trick impressed the table not that seeing that sober wouldn't be impressive. "My mother taught me to bar tend as soon as I was tall enough to reach it and I used to work at Coyote Ugly in college so bar tricks are my specialty." I pass the shots out keeping one for myself.

       Ray doesn't drink often and I've only ever seen her actually drunk once preferring to smoke. Legally of course she has a medical card due to her anxiety, depression, and disordered eating. She's also autistic so it helps her regulate. "Okay hold on let me get this straight our Prentiss here is dating someone's who been on the literal cover of People's and just kept it from us for obviously over a year. When we do get to meet her she just drops the fact she used to be a Coyote. Is all of this crazy to anyone else?" Sometimes when Derrick gets drunk he gets loose-lipped and doesn't really think about what he says and how he says it.

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