When You Weren't Sober

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Rayne's P.O.V

       Resting my head in my hands I'm waiting for the world to stop spinning. "What happened Lennox?" Groaning I look up at my boss.

       I've been with the BAU for six months now and this is my first major fuck up. Not that it was really my fault but I got the brunt end of it. "Shitty intel I'm assuming. We were outnumbered by quite a lot. They got Prentiss first... I tried to get to her before Hotch." There were supposed to be only three people in the building but I counted at least fifteen.

       Sitting down next to me he pats my shoulder gently. "I know you did we saw it over the CCTV footage Garcia was able to hack into. You did everything you could." Letting my head fall back against the white wall I take a breath. "She's okay you know... didn't get further than drugging her. I mean she's out of it and well being how shall I put it... brash. That's why I'm not letting the team back there." Turning my head to look at him I have to squint in the harsh light to see more than his silhouette.

       When my vision eventually adjusts he's looking back at me. "What with maybe I can help?" He lets out a dry laugh and not one of amusement.

       I've only heard it a handful of times and it's not a sign of anything good to come. "I doubt you can. They're saying it's a mix of LSD, Molly, and Ecstasy." Sitting up I cringe and not because of the pain in my head.

       He mirrors my actions ready to catch me if I fall forward. "So she's off her face horny and her filter is practically null and void." Raising an eyebrow I know I'm right. Ringing my hands together I look briefly at the floor and then at him. "Look Hotch you know I did a lot of undercover work and besides that... I grew up with my Uncle Kubra, one of New York's most notorious kingpins, I know a lot about the drug world. Whatever she got hit with was probably his supply. There's not a lot they can do for her here except have her sit. That's going to irritate her and they're going to restrain her. I know I'm still the newbie but we all know Emily would rather be shot than restrained. PTSD mixed with drugs isn't going to partner to be the time of her life. I can take care of her. Let me sign her out. It's my fault she's like this anyway..." I was supposed to go in first but she insisted we switch.

       I can practically hear the wheels turning in his head. Revealing something like that... although it is something the bureau had already cleared causes tension and mistrust. That's the reason I never told them in the first place. "As much as I'm against it professionally, personally I just want her safe. From how she is now if they restrain her they'll have to sedate her too." He looks down the hall towards where her room is. "You are to sign her out then you'll both be escorted by a car to your apartment. She's not to return to the BAU until Monday morning and all contact with anyone except me is to be cut off. If this gets out her job could be on the line." Nodding he helps me up.

       Together we walk back stopping just outside. Even from where we stand we can hear her. "Where's the hot nurse from earlier she can touch me you sir can absolutely fuck off!" Bolting into the room she's squared off with the doctor.

       Everything comes to a halt as we enter. The doctor looks relieved and she's... well she's looked better. "Rayne? Fae!" One moment she's standing the next I'm just barely catching her. "You came to save me from the evil man!" Turning to look over her shoulder she sticks her tongue out at the doctor. "Now you can't touch me she won't let you. Ha!" Bouncing her up a bit I force her to turn back to hold on.

       The man I came with looks at the medical professional with sympathy. "As bad as it looks she is one of the better cases with this stuff. I'm going to expedite her release forms though since it seems like her Princess in shining armor has arrived." Excusing himself he all but runs out of the room.

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