Half a Dozen

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       Sitting at my desk I'm trying my best to speed run my paperwork so I can get back home. All of the kids were on one today and were angry I had to work on a day I was supposed to have off. "Come on newbie paperwork days aren't that bad." Looking at Derek he has no idea.

       None of them know. "Just because you didn't have plans doesn't mean the rest of us didn't." Emily shuts his shit down having her day ruined too.

       I guess she and JJ were supposed to be spending the day with the boys. It's an open secret among the team that they're together. We all just keep it from everyone else. "Hey guys do any of you recognize that kid?" We all follow Spencer's line of sight.

       My heart falls to my ass and I jump up sprinting out the doors. "What are you doing here? Where's Mina? Where's Billy?" Wrapping my arm around the redhead she looks just like her mom.

       I take the car seat out of hand sitting it gently on the ground, so I don't wake my youngest. "I was at work with Mom when she showed up and they started arguing. I had Lilly bring me here. Can we just stay with you, please Mimi?" When I see them next they're both getting an earful about fighting around the kids, especially Mora.

       She's the oldest and is Whilimena's biological daughter from a previous relationship. When we met her that was her biggest worry. From day one I've always tried to make her feel welcome. It's been eight years now and she just turned sixteen. "Yeah, I'll text your mom and let her know you're here." Leading them back into the bullpen the oldest sits against the drawers of my desk pulling out her phone. I've never been more grateful for that damn thing. "Guys these are my oldest and youngest daughters Mora and Lilly." Pulling away the blanket her eyes open.

       Emily gasps and we've grown used to that reaction. "Oh my God she's so adorable!" Her eyes have darkened from the blue she was born with now one is green like mine and the other is brown like Billy's. Picking her up I ask if she wants to hold her. Taking her gently Lilly reaches out for her face. "Can I go show JJ?" Telling her to go for it Lilly hasn't started screaming yet so they'll be fine.

       She inherited my powers so things can get questionable at times. Right now, transmutation is our biggest problem. If she wants a certain Mommy, she's going to them. Mora Is the only one without magick but since she's big sissy all the others do whatever she wants. I text our group chat letting everyone know where they are. Misty and Cordelia read it liking it but Billy and Mina don't meaning whatever fight they had they're now in the middle of making up. Rolling my eyes, I pick back up my pen I really need to finish this now.

       Finishing up the page I realize Emily isn't back yet. Putting a sticky note on the page I'm on I shut the file. "Hey, Mimi!" Jumping out of my skin it's not one voice but four at once.

       Standing at the end of my desk is now my two sets of twins. "Girls!? What are you doing here not that I don't love that you all are here?" Mora stands up herding them closer to the desk so other agents can get by.

       Getting up myself I need to get them out of the middle of the bullpen. "Mommy and Mama are busy working, we're bored, and Sissy said she was here with you." Both sets are eleven Misty and Cordelia having gotten pregnant the same night. They were all born on the same day too minutes apart from each other.

       I thought that was my last day on earth both of them were ready to kill me. "Alright follow me." Grabbing my file, I usher them up the stairs to JJ's office.

       Knocking she says come in. Letting them all enter first their mouths drop open. "Mimi, why do they have Lilly? Are they who she's moving in with?" Dropping to my knee in front of Hazel and Holly I look between them. "It's just that Mommy says there's too many girls and she going to have to move some of the newer ones. Lilly's the newest of all of us." Yeah, she's the newest she's only eight months old.

       Shaking my head, I know what they're talking about now. "Girls when Mommy said that she was talking about at the Academy. Even those girls aren't moving far they're moving into the house next door to the main house. With all the new students the schools just getting bigger. None of you are moving out of our house until you're fifty got it?" Holding up my pinky they giggle each wrapping their pinkies around it to promise. "Now can you girls go sit on the couch and play while I talk to my friends?" All four of them look that way.

       By the look on their faces, they're actually debating it. "Yeah, but only cause they're pretty." Saying it a matter of fact idly they all take off towards the far wall.

       Mora is trying really hard to keep it together. Pointing that way, she raises her hand in surrender still laughing going around to keep them busy. "Right, I'm really sorry about that. The two sets of look-alikes are Hazel and Holly then Rhiannon and Stevie. I got lucky and they look like their moms, but boy did they get my attitude." Removing the sticky note I'm done doing this the old-school way. Using my Magick it's finished. "I came to help finish up your reports since you were kind enough to keep Lilly for a while." Laying my hand on their files ink fills in all the empty lines matching up with their handwriting.

       Behind me, I hear a chorus of oohs. "You're going to get in trouble when Mommy finds out you broke the rules!" Smiling it's really hard to keep it together when you have to parent.

       I know I'm not going to be able to keep a straight face, so I don't turn around instead taking Lilly from the blonde. "I will tell her what I did because yes I know I broke a rule." We've taught the girls that they are to only use magick when things call for it. Doing homework and chores are things that don't call for it. In their minds, my work is like their homework, and I just cheated by using my Magick to finish it.

       Standing in the office talking to JJ and Emily naturally they have questions and a lot of them. "So, uh they're all yours?" Looking back, they all are playing some game on their phone together.

       We've moved three chairs around her desk so we can see them. "Five of them biologically. Mora was from a previous relationship, but I raised her like my own. She was eight when I met her mom. She's grown up to be an exceptional young lady and it's been an opportunity I'll never take for granted. That kid saved my life. I was freshly eighteen and completely on my own. I met Mina in the bar one night. There are not a lot of people she likes but I guess she saw something worth saving. She hired me as her assistant so I could pay for school. Along the way, I fell in love with her and that little girl. I wanted to be better for them, so I became better." Being the three women on the team we've become close.

       Even still I don't really tell anyone I have kids. It's for their own safety considering what I do for work. They all carry their mothers' last names. I get a text in the group chat letting me know their moms are here. Letting them know I strap Lilly in. "They've got to come too!" Before I can stop it, the twins each grab one of Emily and JJ's hands tugging them out of the office.

       With a car seat, it's impossible to keep up. Mora holds the elevator and I start apologizing. Having kids of their own they tell me it's okay. On the way down the girls practically climb up them so by the time we reach the parking garage they're holding one on each hip. There standing near the trunk of my car are all four of their mothers. "Mommy! Mom! Ma! Mama!" Sliding down they take out their knees well all except Mina who they carefully walk around her cane. "That's JJ and Emily Mimi's friends. They held Lilly!" She's so young she barely leaves the house, so this is the first time someone outside of the academy has held her.

       Picking up their daughters Mora stands next to Mina. "Did they?" Coming to me Billy kisses my cheek taking the car seat.

       Now with free hands, I give the others each a kiss the same way. "Emily, JJ these are my girlfriends Wilhemina Venable, Cordelia and Misty Goode-Day, and Billie Dean Howard." They thought it was shocking I had six kids I guess they weren't ready for the four girlfriends.       

Emily Prentiss OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now