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A new life, a new me – that's what I've been longing for. A fresh start, free from the haunting memories of my past. My mother, however, has been pestering me since yesterday to return home, her concerns evident in her persistent questioning. “You sure you want to stay here and not return home?” She asks, her voice laced with worry.

I stand firm in my decision, my resolve unwavering. “What's the use of claiming alimony if I don't utilize it?” I reason, my mind made up. I won't let the whispers of others dictate my actions. They'll assume I'm the one at fault, that I chose to flee. I won't give them the satisfaction.

My mother's expression reflects her deep concern. “I don’t think it's the right place and time for you to be staying here.” She says, her eyes pleading with me to reconsider. But I'm resolute. I won’t sacrifice my career, start from scratch, just because of a divorce. And then, she mentions the wedding – the very topic I’ve been wanting to discuss with her.

“Were you serious about that whole wedding thingy?” I ask, my curiosity piqued. Her response is playful, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Yes, I'm serious! Your choice wasn't the best earlier, I can see it clearly now. Unless it's the Kim's son, Kim Taehyung.” I roll my eyes, exasperated. Not again.

“Mom, there's nothing between us, trust me.” I assure her, my tone firm but patient. “He's even issued a statement denying it. Let's not create problems on both sides. I managed to get over one recently.” I hope she understands that she sees the futility in pursuing this notion.

My mother's persistence is admirable, but I won't budge. I need this new life, this fresh start, to move forward. To leave the past behind and forge a new path, one that's mine alone. I'll prove to myself, and to others, that I'm capable of rising above adversity.

In this new chapter of my life, I'll find my strength, my voice, and my purpose. I'll show the world that I'm more than just a victim of circumstance. I'm a survivor, a warrior, and I'll make sure my voice is heard, loud and clear.

“Then what about the Choi’s son I mentioned the last time?” She asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Oh, the guy who had been the reason for my now ex-husband’s fury! I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the mere mention of him.

“Do I have more options?” I asked, resigned to listening to her suggestions. After all, I had already had a failed marriage, and I wasn’t eager to risk finding love again on my own.

If something were to go wrong, which I hoped wouldn’t, I’d rather blame it on my family then myself. Yeah, I was finding an escape route for myself, by taking yet another risk.

My mother launched into an enthusiastic pitch about the merits of her chosen suitors. “Yes! Yes! I’ve got a list of handsome, rich men who are perfectly suited to your liking.” She exclaimed, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. Mothers always seem to get a little too excited when mentioning rich spouses to their kids, and I was no exception. I couldn’t help but smile wryly at her antics, even as I felt a pang of unease at the thought of being paraded in front of a string of eligible bachelors.

I mean, what’s the point of having a failed marriage under my belt if I’m just going to fall into the same trap again? But my mother seemed convinced that this time would be different. That this time, I would find my perfect match, my soulmate, my everything. And so, with a sense of trepidation, I agreed to take a look at her list. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? I thought to myself, even as a small voice in my head warned me to be cautious.

I locked myself in my room, seeking refuge from the world outside. My hair was tied up in a rubber band, a testament to my frazzled state. I settled in front of my computer, fingers flying across the keyboard as I worked on the files that had been pending for weeks. But my mind was elsewhere, consumed by the anger that had been simmering since the divorce.

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