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Mrs. Min's glare bore into Jin as she spoke with a sharp edge in her voice. “Don't you dare slip up,” she warned, brandishing a knife in his direction. “I've enforced you. You'll be paid rent monthly, so make sure to act along with me.” With a dismissive gesture, she returned her attention to the task of cutting fruits for her beloved son, leaving Jin to nod in compliance.

Of course, Jin knew he would have to expose her deceit tomorrow. There was no way he could support her lies, especially not after witnessing Yoongi's concern for you over the past few days. But today was different; his mother wanted him by her side, and she was willing to test his loyalty in the most manipulative way possible.

Feigning a serious injury, despite only suffering a minor fall, Mrs. Min orchestrated the charade, knowing that nothing tugs at a son's heartstrings like the fear of losing his mother's love. And so, she played her part to perfection, casting herself as the helpless victim in need of her son's undivided attention.

The sound of the door opening broke the tension in the room, signaling Yoongi's return. Panic etched across his features as he rushed inside, his concern tangible in the air. It was a scene Mrs. Min had carefully crafted, and now, it was time to see if her manipulation had achieved the desired effect.

“Mom, where are you? Is everything fine? How's your wound?” Yoongi's voice echoed with concern as he entered the room, his eyes searching for any signs of distress on his mother's face. However, to his surprise, she stood there seemingly unharmed, a smile playing at her lips.

“Oh, Yoongi, you're back.” Mrs. Min greeted him warmly, dismissing his worries with a wave of her hand. “I'm fine, dear. It was just a minor slip due to my own clumsiness. I asked Jin not to tell you anything. This young lad seemed to disobey me and still notify you.” With a forced laugh directed at Jin, she handed Yoongi a plate of freshly cut apples. “Sit down, you must be tired after working the entire day.”

Jin, standing by silently, was baffled by Mrs. Min's accusation. He felt a surge of anger rise within him as he was unjustly blamed for something he hadn't done. He wanted nothing more than to reveal the truth to Yoongi, to expose his mother's deceit.

“Are you sure you're fine?” Yoongi insisted, his worry evident as he checked her leg for any signs of injury. Mrs. Min lightly slapped his shoulder, a fond smile gracing her features. “Look at you, still the same, caring for your mother endlessly.” She remarked, her tone tinged with affection.

Yoongi sighed with relief, reassured by his mother's words. Taking a bite of the apple, he listened attentively as she mentioned something interesting she had come across earlier. She showed him her phone, signaling at a post that left his eyes wide open with surprise.

“The young conglomerate Kim Taehyung was spotted with a beauty, leisurely strolling through the city and attending the latest art exhibition.” the article proclaimed in bold letters, accompanied by a series of captivating images. “The couple radiated joy as they shared a hearty meal together, their laughter echoing through the bustling streets.”

Jin couldn't help but steal a glance at what had caught Yoongi's attention, his eyes widening in astonishment as he read the words on the screen. “Y/N?” He murmured incredulously, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Look at this,” Mrs. Min continued, unable to contain her amazement. “Y/N seems to have found herself quite the catch. Shouldn't you hurry up and follow suit? Kim Taehyung is no ordinary guy; he's a big shot. And from the looks of it, he treats her like royalty. No wonder she's been turning down all those marriage proposals her mom keeps throwing her way. Who would settle for less when you're already dating someone as successful as him?”

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