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“Are you ready to face her?” She asked me. If only she knew I was at the edge to approach my mother and reveal the truth to her. “What do you think?” Brushing her hair she shook her head. “I'm not ready to face our families yet. Seeing the circumstances we are in. I think we should go for it.” Taking the brush from her hand my hand swiped through her locks. “You seem to have missed me a lot.”

Why is such a naive girl? She could never be a woman in my eyes when we are alone. The childishness that was held in her eyes couldn't be ignored easily. “Every husband is supposed to miss his wife during the phase of separation. If he doesn't. I'll assure you he ain't the right man. You're a lucky one to have me as your man Min Y/N!” Fidgeting with her hair clip, her lips puckered.

“Don't do that. I can't see you sad.” Taking it from her hand I clip it in her hair. “Stop being so boasty everyone knows you're the lucky one here, not me.”

Y/N hates losing any arguments. This is also another reason why she drives me crazy for her more than yesterday and a little less than tomorrow. “Well if you'll put it that way will you avoid crossing paths with me if given a chance to change your past?” Scoffing, she rolls her eyes.

“You just want a chance to get rid of me. You're hiding your ex relationships from me aren't you? After marrying me you're regretting it now ha?”

This woman! Lord she's definitely a woman considering the act she's putting up. “Yes I have an ex, I had to break up with her when I proposed to you to marry me.” Her expression faltered.

“Then go and marry her. Why are you standing here with me? Oh! Wait- I must be your present ex relationship aren't I?” I almost had a brain freeze after listening to her words.

“Woman, I hope you're fine! You're well aware I've never eyed any woman the way I've my eyes on you.” Her lips curved up in a sinister smile. Oh! No this is going the wrong way. “What sort of a way do you perceive me with?” Ha? That's it! My hands roped around her waist pulling her closer to me. Trapping her in between my legs.

“You're an extremely curious little cat aren't you?” Lifting her chin up I remark. “Aren't you the one famous for being a cat though?”

Fuck! This woman drives me crazy. Pulling her hairs with my left hand I place my lips on her. Shit- didn't know I'd miss the feeling of these lips in just a span of a few days. I'm done for real. She's ended my sanity. This feeling is unexplainable. How could I be this driven towards someone? I'm at a phase where I no longer want anymore except this lady in my arms. My wife, only mine. Pinching her waist I nibble on her lips. Earning a moan from her side. She tried pulling me closer, with her shivering fingers, but failed to do so.

“Calm down, you're never gonna win.” Fuelling up her ego. I evade my tongue in her mouth. Slipping my hands inside her t-shirt. Damn- this feels so surreal. “Yoongi- I can't breathe.” She moaned, deepening the kiss. Pulling away I gawk at her shamelessly checking out her messed up state and bruised lips.

“Desperate much aren't you? Can't breathe, still want more.” Grabbing hold of my neck she pulled me down. Her nails clawed on my nape, as we kissed each other recklessly again. I love this mess. This mess that she creates for me to be ruined and drown in whatever path she chooses for me.

“You are only allowed to stare at me. Beg for my attention, crave to touch me. Do you understand Min Yoongi?” Kissing my cheek she moved down to the neck pecking my Adam's apple leaving me a whining mess. What has she made me into? I'm helpless when it comes to her.

“Beg with me to touch you Min Yoongi!” Tilting her head, her smirk grew wider, pushing me away. No way was she gonna leave me hanging is she? I can never hold a single ounce of ego in such situations. Pleading with her I say in the softest voice possible. Letting the demon in me suppress me from taking over. And remind her who's the one in charge.

“Ruin me Y/N, do as you desire. I beg with you. Please!!” Her eyes sparkled with excitement. Of course she must be happy. After all these are rare moments when I let her be the one incharge. And trust me when I say. It's no less than a heaven when those moments occur. Getting down on my knees I bow my head. I know she must be dancing mentally in victory right now. My little one really enjoys taming me doesn't she?

“Stand up! Sit on this chair!” Ah! Ha- wrong move. Switching positions I let her do as she wanted. My hands however held a firm grip on her waist. Feeling every bit of her skin. Fuck how can she be so damn beautiful? Yet so authoritative at the same time! Suckling on my neck she derides.

“Look at your state right now. Begging me to please you. Will make sure these hickies are prominent enough for people to know you're taken by me.” As her sucking got intensive my moans could no longer be soft; they had turned into an unpleasant mellow.

“Who owns you?” Grinding on me mercilessly she demands. “You-” tears accumulate in my eyes. This was such an exquisite situation for me.

“Want me to expose to the world you're hiding a wife behind your mother? Escaping from her to come here and mess with your wife.” Grabbing her hips I throw my head back. “I'm sorry I'll obey whatever you say.”

A satisfied hum was heard from her. It's better to be an obedient husband in this situation than to rebel and spoil the mood. “What do you want me to do to you?” Her grinding kept getting worse pushing me to the edge. “Whatever- pleases my wife.” Chortling, she plays with my fingers.

“I don't want you to cum!” The end of her sentence had me speechless. “Let me cum please.” Her sigh reminded me this is a sign of rebelliance displeasing her. Quickly shaking my head I agree with her. I had to be a good husband letting her have the entire control.

Pulling me on to the bed she climbed on top of me. Her hair strands meddled in the way, making me stifle a laugh. Putting up a messy bun I was watching her moments as she eagerly removed my t-shirt. People usually felt I was the domineering one. And often wondered how did Y/N manage to adjust with me? If only they knew she was a hidden brat.

“Why are you so quiet?” She's unbelievable. “I don't want you to punish me more for disobeying and speaking something stupid.” I quickly came up with an excuse. Her eyebrows wiggle giving me a 'are you serious' look.

“Keep talking or I'll feel bored.” I couldn't keep it in anymore and bursted out laughing. She was definitely offended for the very next moment. I was trying to save myself from the pillows that were thrown at me. Grabbing hold of her wrists I flipped her down.

“I voluntarily submit myself but the hidden little girl in you never fails to remind me I gotta take care of you better than what I do.” Her figure sunk deeper into the mattress.

“I can do you better than what you do to me.” Turning her face to the other side she reminds me. “Is it so?” As a sign of approval my lips suckle on her collarbone. Everything seemed so perfect. This was home for me. With only me and her in it. None to disturb us.

Violent rings of the door bell scared us both. Who the fuck is here at this hour? “Y/N open up the door. It's me!”

Wait- this voice. Shit it's my mother. Y/N appeared equally horrified the way I did. Maybe even worse. Her phone buzzed. Looking at the ID my anger summed up answering it.

“Why is my mother here Hyung? Weren't you supposed to keep her out of the zone for the night?” Answering the phone I whispered yelled at the older male though my mother couldn't hear anything I was afraid what if she did. Motherly instincts are no joke.

“I'm sorry, I found out just now when I woke up to get water for myself. And immediately called you. Get out of Y/N's place right now and settle in some nearby hotel. I'll pick you up in the morning. I'm afraid she plans to stay there for the night.”

Hanging up he left me flabbergasted.

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