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Amy: So. Who was that?

Alex: Just a friend I met a long time ago. She got me so many stuff for my birthday.

Amy: Oh. Nice.

- The producers opened the door-

Producer #1: Ladies. Get to the living room NOW! Before both of you gets eliminated. Paula needs to talk to everyone about what happened last night. LET'S GO!


The living room

Paula: *sigh* We need to have a little talk about what happened last night.


Paula: I can tolerate fighting. But when it comes to stuff like racism and people being sexist is where I draw the line.

Paula: Anyone who breaks the rules are automatically disqualified.


Paula: So. There will be no votes tonight. Alejandro you must pack your bags and leave. Ignorant people like you make me sick. Have a nice life. 

- Jaylnn smiles-

[ Alejandro's Confessional:

I should've just kept my mouth shut. I'm sorry to the people that were rooting for me. ]

Paula: Now that the loser is gone. We can focus on something more important! Celebrate Alex's birthday! 

Alex: Wait Paula. I invited this one girl to the house.

Paula: Oh that's completely fine with me. As long as they don't destroy anything then they can come over.

- The doorbell rang-

Alex: That must be her!

- Alex opened the door and gave the girl a hug-

???: Happy Birthday Alex! I know that you love to shop at Channel so I bought you this beautiful dress.

Alex: Thanks.

- As the girl dropped Alex's birthday gift, she saw a familiar face-

???: *gasp* Jaxx!

- The girl ran to give Jaxx a hug-

Jaxx: Oh my God! I haven't seen you in years!

- The girl saw everyone looking at her-

???: Who are these people? And why are they looking at me?

Jaxx: Oh. Guys this is Olivia. Olivia these are my friends.

Olivia: Oh. It's nice to meet you all.

Jaylnn: Olivia! 

Olivia: Jaylnn! You are all grown up! I can't.

Alex: Oh. Jaxx I didn't know you were friends with Olivia.

Olivia: Yeah. He was my Ride or Die back in school.

Jaxx: So how are you? The last time I heard from you was that you flew to Florida.

Olivia: Yeah. My brother got married so I had to fly back to Texas for his wedding.

Charli: Hey Jaxx. I was thinking-

Olivia: Excuse me bitch I was talking to him!

Charli: Don't call me that!

Olivia: Well next time don't interrupt our conversation you broke ass orange peel!

Olivia: Anyway. I have plans for us tonight! There's this huge Outlet for us to go to. Then we'll come back here to celebrate Alex's birthday.

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