Week 10- Secrets are out!!!

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Layla: Happy Birthday Alex!!!!

Alex: Thank you. Thank you.

[ Alex's Confessional:

Yep. Today's my birthday!!!! Hahaha! ]

Jaylnn: Happy Birthday Alex!

Charli: Yeah Happy Birthday.

Alex: I really hope I don't get eliminated on my birthday. That would be embarrassing.

Amy: Hmmmm. You know what? After the elimination, we should go out for your birthday!

Alex: Actually I-

Jaylnn: Yeah! We have to go out for your birthday!

Alex: ..........

Amy: We went out on my birthday, so we should do the same for you. My treat.

Jaylnn: Excuse me I think you mean OUR treat!

- Sora gave Alex a hug-

Sora: Happy Birthday!

Luca: Happy Birthday to the Queen herself!

Lily: Oh right. I forgot! Happy Birthday Alex. I got you a gift.

Alex: Guys it's just a birthday. You don't have to do this for me.

Luca: Just a birthday?!

Jaylnn: Alex! Today's is all about you!

Amy: Yeah. So it's settled. After the elimination round, we're going out to celebrate your birthday!

Alex: What about Jaxx?

Jaylnn: He'll be fine. Today's not about him it's about you.

Alex: *sigh* Fine. I guess we can go somewhere for my birthday. But where?

* Attention contestants. Please make your way to the pool area for your first semi-final challenge*

Layla: I'm sure we'll think of something during the challenge.

Challenge time

Paula: Before we start I just wanted to say happy birthday to Alex.

Alex: Thank you.

Paula: Now. Welcome to your 1st semi-final challenge. All Secrets. One contestant will read a secret then must decide who's secret is it.

Paula: They will throw a cup of water at the person who they think have done that secret. First to 10 points wins! Alex you're up first.

- Alex got up and grabbed a note with someone's secret-

Alex: This contestant tried to use their hair straightener to burn a piece of their siblings hair but failed.

- Alex looks at the other contestants. She then grabs a cup filled with water and threw it on Jaxx's face-

Paula: You are Correct! 

Charli: What happened.

Jaylnn: Yeah Jaxx. Tell them the story of how you almost burnt my hair!

Jaxx: When Jaylnn was 14 she was going on her first date. She asked me to straighten her hair and-

Amy: How old was her date?

Jaylnn: 16.

Jaxx: Then I remembered the time she cut a piece of my hair off! So I got her back by trying to burn her hair off.


Paula: I can relate to that. Jaylnn you're up next.

- Jaylnn got up and grabs a secret-

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