Challenge 4- Love connection/ Elimination

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Paula: Welcome to your 4th challenge. Love connection. You will be with a random person. The other person if they're bilingual will speak a different language or mix up words.

Paula: First up Alex and Luca.

[ Alex's Confessional:

Luca's not fluent in Spanish so I'll just have to mix my sentence. ]

Paula: Alex. You can either speak in a different language or mix up your sentence. Luca if guess It correctly you get 5 points. Ready? Begin!

Alex: Loves they're Luca fans.

Luca: Oh that's easy. Luca loves their fans.

Paula: Alex?

Alex: Yep. You got it right.

Paula: Luca gets 5 points!

[ Luca's Confessional:

I love you guys! LUCA SUPREMACY FOREVER! 🤍🤍🤍 ]

Paula: Next up are Layla and Jaylnn.

Jaylnn: Yes! We got this Layla!

Layla: Yes we do girl!

Paula: Layla. You can either speak a different language or mix up your sentence. Start.

- Jaylnn smiled because she knows what Layla would do. Layla then cleared her throat-

Layla: Eres una linda fresa ya que tu hermano es una cereza "única".

- Jaylnn holds in her laugh. So does Alex. Jaxx looks ........ pissed-

Jaxx: What's that supposed to mean?!

Paula: Jaylnn? What do you think Layla said?

Jaylnn: I'm a cute strawberry since my brother is an "unique" cherry.

Layla: Yep. She got it right.

Paula: Next Jaxx and Sora.

Jaxx: Sora..... if you're gonna mix up your sentence please don't make it weird.

Sora: I won't.

Paula: Ready Sora? Go!

[ Sora's Confessional:

I know I said that I wouldn't speak Spanish to Jaxx until he propose. But.....
I want to get him a point.

He'll probably forget what I said in 2 weeks. ]

Sora: Bebé. ¿Quieres que tu gatito malo beba toda tu leche directamente de ti?

- Layla and Jaylnn both screamed. Alex was shocked. Amy placed her head on the wall. Jaxx's face turned red. The others looked confused-

Paula: .......... Jaxx. What do you think your boyfriend said to you?

- Jaxx's face was still red-

Jaxx: Ummm. He said if I want him to drink some milk.

Sora: Yeah. That's one appropriate way to explain it.

Paula: Jaxx gets 5 points.

( A/N: Okay. Here's what Sora actually said.

" Baby. Do you want your bad kitty to drink all of your milk right out of you?"

If you're dirty minded then you should know what it means 😭 God forgive me. )

Paula: Next up are Charli and Lily. Lily you may start when you're ready.

Lily: Chippy pet is ever seen I've life in my cutest.

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